Trip on 97 in December - which Viewliner?

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OBS Chief
Aug 13, 2012
Lancaster, PA

I booked a trip for the 97 at the end of December. Since I already have an assignment in car 9712, my question is if there is any indication (any way to know?) whether the car will be a Viewliner I or II? Could that also change in the year etc.? Will there be any way to know what car I am going to ride in?

Also - just as an aside, I haven't been following all this as much. I understand there is the "flexible" / "contemporary" dining now instead of the traditional dining. Is it still all included for sleepers? I would assume so, but wanted to double check.
There is no way to tell which class of viewliner will operate in 97's consist this early in the game. They will not assign them until they have enough to reliably schedule them. I'd like to think 97 will have them by DEC though.
Thank you for the information, guys. So despite the info that they are supposed to be deployed early this year and should be all done by the end of the year, there is really no way of telling how likely it is that I will be on the new one in December. Thanks!
They are a different layout, one less roomette, and will have to be in a separate inventory until all the Is are cycled through to be the same floorplan (assuming they actually follow through on that). I have heard rumors they'll be restricted to a certain trains with all V IIs when they do come into service.
According to this article they are being delivered to Florida - seems logical some (or all of the first ones) would end up being used by the Silver trains

The new car is set to undergo installment of some final touches by Amtrak, including the installation of WiFi after its delivery to Hialeah yard in Miami before road testing. It may see revenue service before the end of the year,
According to this article they are being delivered to Florida - seems logical some (or all of the first ones) would end up being used by the Silver trains
I doubt that will be a major factor in which routes they are assigned to; they are going to Hialeah because of the mechanical facility there. If they decided to deploy them on other routes instead, deadheading them to NYP wouldn't be that big of a deal.
What do you mean? Viewliner II sleepers have been in service for at LEAST late December 2020.
This thread was started over a year ago. The post to which you are responding is also over a year old.