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    • Barciur
      Barciur replied to the thread AMTRAK and Real IDs.
      While this is a bit OT, I can say that in Poland and I believe Germany, it is a bit of a hybrid model. You need ID to travel with an...
    • Barciur
      Barciur replied to the thread AMTRAK and Real IDs.
      Each state has its own rules. For example, here in Pennsylvania, one must bring in a bunch of extra documentation to be REAL ID...
    • Barciur
      Barciur reacted to zephyr17's post in the thread AMTRAK and Real IDs with Like Like.
      I am pretty sure Reno PD has more or less stopped or at least significantly reduced what had become their rather infamous routine train...
    • Barciur
      Barciur reacted to MARC Rider's post in the thread AMTRAK and Real IDs with Like Like.
      Au contraire, I think this is the slippery slope to the police state. If the police had credible evidence that a passenger was...
    • Barciur
      Oho! We're the private sector, and we're superior to that publicly owned Amtrak because we don't take taxpayer funds that indirectly...
    • Barciur
      Barciur replied to the thread AMTRAK and Real IDs.
      I just want to say I would like to unlike this post but you can't, so I feel the need to comment. I just can't imagine someone being...
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