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Y'know, I'd like to participate in the chat. Only done it once - a nice yap with Alan until my girlfriend called and threatened castration with hot tongs if I didn't talk to her instead.

I'm not sure Sunday afternoon/evening (depending on time zone) is the best time. Ballgames, family stuff, and like that.

Couldn't it maybe be on a weeknight?
As I understand the system, it's actually available 24/7, so I suppose anybody that wanted to, or perhaps two or three folks, could jointly decide, to set one up at almost anytime they wanted to. You might ask for suggestions, see what kind of response you get, then announce you will be there watching/listening a couple of times and just see what activity you get......

For myself, I've been down for the count with the flu the past several days with up to 101 temp. And yes, I did get a flu shot. Wonder if I can get my money back (yeah, RRRRIGHT)
For myself, I've been down for the count with the flu the past several days with up to 101 temp. And yes, I did get a flu shot. Wonder if I can get my money back (yeah, RRRRIGHT)
Ouch Take care


Was surprise to se me listed as host when I got home and loged in, thanks to the Honolulu Marathon it took me 1 hour 17 minutes to go 2.3 miles. I think I hung around about 30 minutes but no one joined me oh well
so how about a monday night railfan? People can monday morning quarterback, why can't we monday night railfan???
As we move deeper into the holiday season, timing may become more problematic for many. But in the New Year, Monday night railfanning sounds pretty good. Maybe we could channel Howard Cosell: "It was gloomy aboard the Limited that sordid evening. Yes, it was a bad night for a good train. The passengers sweated mightily, shifting most uncomfortably in their poorly padded seats as they contemplated their individual fates..."

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