Bingo. Quote the hourly rate AS IS PAID to the employee in their gross paycheck.So Amtrak labor cost is higher than the seasonal Alaska trains, and the part time Rocky Mts train. Downeaster numbers are with out the total cost of taxes and benefits.
So this report means nothing.
If you divide out the cost of benefits and retirement, then you are doing a dis-service because every pay period is different than the last (example: last Thursday the California Zephyr arrived on-time into Chicago, but did the same hold true for the rest of this month?) Benefits traditionally, and for good reason, were never included in hourly pay. They are factored in as a "benefit" because they should not be considered on the same level playing field as salary. Only in this INSANE recent period of time when people have lost their minds when it comes to money/pointing fingers at their neighbor/everything with Public Sector connections are considered EVIL have certain groups begun to improperly mash the two into one disconnected number.