Biden and Amtrak

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Hint - it wasn't the president!
Quite correct. Obstructionist Republicans in Congress are to blame. Further, the president couldn't seem to locate his veto pen until Democrats achieved majority (2006, not 4 years ago), and despite GOP obstructionism managed to get a few bills to his desk.

Let's not forget that killing Amtrak seems to be a central Republican goal. What's wrong with those guys? They also don't give up on oil drilling. Mindless.
"Tell me, would you trust building your house to a carpenter that didn't know how to use a hammer? Being president of the united states means you have to take advantage of all things, and the computer is too important a tool to not have to do your job. People who are familiar with computers think differently."

GML, I'm a CPA with a long life around numbers, computers (before you were born!) and solving problems (apparently a lot better problem solver than those that answered the original posts :lol: ). I frequently ask some of the computer junky accountants what they would do if the electricity went off. I AM positive that some would freeze because they don't know the basics. The output stinks, yet they think it's a masterpiece of fine accounting because they've mastered the program. They can't recognize an appropriately- prepared, simple Cost of Goods schedule. I then have to teach them the fundamentals by constantly correcting their work (using the same computer programs) AND remind them again and again, it's just a tool. Don't focus on the tool. Focus on the product and the end user. BTW, it's not just the newbie grads who do this, it can be those who are mired in "appearances". It may enhance your life or it may not. I learned to be a bookkeeper as a young teenager on something called a Burrough's bookkeeping machine and was taught by an elderly lady who thought it was the cat's meow (sounds a little like you!). You could anchor a small ship with its weight. (Ask one of the elders in your community about it, I'm sure someone is familiar with it.) It, too, was just a tool. It doubled as a work out machine. In our times, the technology will continue to change. Expect it. But think of it only as a tool for a purpose. I'm looking forward to the next wave.

Trust me, the computer as it sits in front of you will soon be a dinosaur. Live your life as though it is (unless its workings are your source of income). Let's back up a little. The candidate doesn't have to know all about computers or even use one. He just needs to know their significance. His focus should be a lot larger than single issues.

On the sox-outside-of-marriage (OOM) issue. In my house that stuff (OOM) by my spouse would be a very real issue that would threaten the future and cause distrust issues. If Clinton wanted to tie Hillary to a bedpost and she was in agreement, THAT would be between them. Don't forget the perjury. Nothing in her body language indicated that she was in agreement with his actions and I doubt that their marriage VOWS (look that one up) allowed this. The lack of trustworthiness is a reflection of his character and a person's character is part of the qualification for the Office of the Presidency. John Edwards, IMO, needs to get an occupation digging ditches. That low-life is so outta public life because of this subject. Would YOU trust him? All we need now is that Washington woman named Fanny something or other and her fountain dipping beau, Wilbur something or other to liven things up.

And. Just as garbage in produces garbage out, I would never rely on a Google search for anything serious. Entertaining, yes. For example, it astounds me that anyone would take an investment blog seriously unless a credentialed reputation were on the line. Make sure that you always check the credentials of your sources. I surely do not want my President relying on Google for his advice (although it sounds like what some of his advisors may have been doing). I want the geeks, the ones who've spent their whole lives engaged in the subject and putting their reputations on the line who have something to lose when they're wrong, under his wing.
sucks but sometimes it's necessary.
I fully recognize and agree that war is sometimes necessary. However, the current conflict in Iraq is war by choice, wholly UNnecessary, and initiated under false pretenses. And while Joe Biden voted for it, he was also among the first to recognize his hideous mistake. McCain is still thumping the dead drum of "Victory."
We are involved in war weither anyone likes it or not and sure as you-know-what we need a president that will thump ANY drum of victory and not advocate the agony of an embarrasing defeat!

Whooz, the "wholy unnecessary" is strictly your opinion, not necessarily a fact. Those who govern us have to base their judgments on fact as those facts are presented to them, act, and then take responsiblity for those actions. I maintain (and we've gone over this point before) that the intelligence was faulty or that the American people will never know exactly what was put in front of Bush. What was the man told that would make him say, "good job Brownie"?
Never underestimate the military leaders' desire for war. Service in a war zone brings promotions. War brings monies to hurting small towns across America by employing citizens whose jobs have gone to other countries. Don't underestimate this. Think for a moment. You're a chicken factory worker (or a hog farmer) in a small town. The company also hires illegals. Your part-time (normally) job with the Guard pays several times as much as you earn in the regular job. Your family needs some medical care. The chicken factory doesn't cover your health. Another Mexican will take your job while you're away. It's in a right-to-work state so there's no union protection (why do you THINK so many car production plants are going South?). When you go on active duty your family gets caught up on medical care (no joke- I'm a witness to this). You get to keep the bill collector at bay for awhile. The babies you create at the beginning of the tour get delivered on military money. And, if you're to believe the military, you get to have one heck of an adventure.

What wasn't faulty was that we were attacked on our own soil and our citizens/service members had been attacked repeatedly through several administrations, including Clinton's. His response, reduce the military strength. Must be the air in the Ivy Leagues? If you stomp my foot more than once, I'm going to deck you and this Christian's going after you. End of conversation. I have no qualms shooting someone who's wants to kill me. That's the only thing some countries and extremist violent cults understand. Clinton couldn't get his job description clear in his head. I DO NOT want a "leader", ever again, who governs by the direction of the wind (polls)- Clinton types. If the polls (and someone with scientific polling experience-feel free to jump in) show someone as being unpopular, I don't care. It's not a popularity contest. I am definitely hoping for some excellent diplomacy experience within the potential team. Neither would I want a team picked in order to meet equal opportunity goals.... but I still have a litmus test issue.

FWIW, color of skin is an insignificant issue.
Another excellent post! We should put you up for president! But then again the left wing bloggers :ph34r: would probably just bash you to death! (Not on this forum of course :p )
So now the conservatives say that being in the "war" and POW stuff is "what a man is made of" blah, blah, blah....but "W" got where he got by beating 3 Viet Nam vets and 2 that were decorated Viet Nam vets and he was sippin' Champagne on the Sunset Limited from 1971-1974 as he went back and forth from Texas to Alabama in the National Guard. (had to put some Amtrak reference in there) The man never speaks of HIS military experiences because he had none. But that was ok then, but now....the pedigree has to be "military and POW" funny how things can change in 4 years. And how sad things have changed in 8 years. :huh:

Railrookie, It was a norm at the time to join the Guard as Bush did. It was held in higher esteem than running to Canada or shoving drugs up your nose. You still went to basic. You still did some service. IIRC, it just put your number more towards the end. Railrookie, let's hear all about your service and your personal sacrifices.
Another excellent post! We should put you up for president! But then again the left wing bloggers :ph34r: would probably just bash you to death! (Not on this forum of course :p )

I AM trying to get one of my Sacramento friends to start running in California. Whooz, get your Canadian passport ready. She's rougher than I am and thinks the place has gone to the dogs.
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Whooz, get your Canadian passport ready.
I'm not going anywhere. I love America, and am disappointed to see it being run into the ground by Republicans who are more interested in further enriching the wealthy than providing transportation infrastructure for the rest of us. And should McCain prevail, I'm not the kind of hysterical clown who would threaten to move to Canada. Better to stay right here and keep arguing for change.
Whooz, get your Canadian passport ready.
I'm not going anywhere. I love America, and am disappointed to see it being run into the ground by Republicans who are more interested in further enriching the wealthy than providing transportation infrastructure for the rest of us. And should McCain prevail, I'm not the kind of hysterical clown who would threaten to move to Canada. Better to stay right here and keep arguing for change.
Whooz, how did you get poor?
Hint - it wasn't the president!
Quite correct. Obstructionist Republicans in Congress are to blame. Further, the president couldn't seem to locate his veto pen until Democrats achieved majority (2006, not 4 years ago), and despite GOP obstructionism managed to get a few bills to his desk.

Let's not forget that killing Amtrak seems to be a central Republican goal. What's wrong with those guys? They also don't give up on oil drilling. Mindless.
{BUZZZZ} WRONG! It's Democrats and not "those what's wrong with them guys." Things can get done when people are willing to make reasonable comprimise like happened more frequently when the Republicans were in charge. It seems like Liberal Democrats just don't know the meaning of comprimise until they are overwhelmingly pressured by public opinion like apparently is now happening to Nancy Polozzi with energy polocies or more specifically the off shore drilling issue.

Republicans and the president will and should be applauded for blocking one-sided solutions when bad bills are being shoved or back-doored through especially when under the cover of another popular issue. Democrats should do the same when Republicans control congress and have done so successfully in the past... and why? Because Republicans do comprimise more and tend to tow the party line less - not completely but less so!
It is far more important in life to have good relationships than it is to have computer skills. This comes from someone whose first programming experience was putting COBOL (and the language that starts with an F, -forgotten it now), codes on punch cards, getting the cards in line, getting myself in line, feeding them into a card reader, getting a printout on green-lined side-punched paper and wondering which card got out of order and having to repeat the process. What you have in front of you will at some near future point seem as odd as the punch cards I used.
Ah, the good ol' days of Fortran and the IBM 1620. Don't forget how you had to bribe the computer operator to run your program.

I would add that in addition to "relationships", one needs the ability to think; i.e., use all the data extracted by someone else from computers and come up with the right answer. I'm sure Obama doesn't know PHP from ASP either.
"Tell me, would you trust building your house to a carpenter that didn't know how to use a hammer? Being president of the united states means you have to take advantage of all things, and the computer is too important a tool to not have to do your job. People who are familiar with computers think differently."
GML, I'm a CPA with a long life around numbers, computers (before you were born!) and solving problems (apparently a lot better problem solver than those that answered the original posts :lol: ). I frequently ask some of the computer junky accountants what they would do if the electricity went off. I AM positive that some would freeze because they don't know the basics. The output stinks, yet they think it's a masterpiece of fine accounting because they've mastered the program. They can't recognize an appropriately- prepared, simple Cost of Goods schedule. I then have to teach them the fundamentals by constantly correcting their work (using the same computer programs) AND remind them again and again, it's just a tool. Don't focus on the tool. Focus on the product and the end user. BTW, it's not just the newbie grads who do this, it can be those who are mired in "appearances". It may enhance your life or it may not. I learned to be a bookkeeper as a young teenager on something called a Burrough's bookkeeping machine and was taught by an elderly lady who thought it was the cat's meow (sounds a little like you!). You could anchor a small ship with its weight. (Ask one of the elders in your community about it, I'm sure someone is familiar with it.) It, too, was just a tool. It doubled as a work out machine. In our times, the technology will continue to change. Expect it. But think of it only as a tool for a purpose. I'm looking forward to the next wave.

Trust me, the computer as it sits in front of you will soon be a dinosaur. Live your life as though it is (unless its workings are your source of income). Let's back up a little. The candidate doesn't have to know all about computers or even use one. He just needs to know their significance. His focus should be a lot larger than single issues.

On the sox-outside-of-marriage (OOM) issue. In my house that stuff (OOM) by my spouse would be a very real issue that would threaten the future and cause distrust issues. If Clinton wanted to tie Hillary to a bedpost and she was in agreement, THAT would be between them. Don't forget the perjury. Nothing in her body language indicated that she was in agreement with his actions and I doubt that their marriage VOWS (look that one up) allowed this. The lack of trustworthiness is a reflection of his character and a person's character is part of the qualification for the Office of the Presidency. John Edwards, IMO, needs to get an occupation digging ditches. That low-life is so outta public life because of this subject. Would YOU trust him? All we need now is that Washington woman named Fanny something or other and her fountain dipping beau, Wilbur something or other to liven things up.

And. Just as garbage in produces garbage out, I would never rely on a Google search for anything serious. Entertaining, yes. For example, it astounds me that anyone would take an investment blog seriously unless a credentialed reputation were on the line. Make sure that you always check the credentials of your sources. I surely do not want my President relying on Google for his advice (although it sounds like what some of his advisors may have been doing). I want the geeks, the ones who've spent their whole lives engaged in the subject and putting their reputations on the line who have something to lose when they're wrong, under his wing.
WOW! I'm becoming a fan of yours! Just a note about Google and blogs... I never-ever go to blogs either liberal or conservative. I strive to listen to media that give both sides of an issue. I believe that it's because of blogs and the internet that Obama has even come even close to reaching 50% in political polls. They're too popular with the our youth that are still inexperienced in life. Without those blogs (and flow with the wind liberal media) I really believe that Hillary would have been made the presumptive nomination for the Democrats. As for Google, I rarely look up political information and when I do it's only to try and determine if a political email is truth or fiction. As much as I would like to forward some of those against Obama, I don't want to be a part of further spreadings untruths about him.
It is far more important in life to have good relationships than it is to have computer skills. This comes from someone whose first programming experience was putting COBOL (and the language that starts with an F, -forgotten it now), codes on punch cards, getting the cards in line, getting myself in line, feeding them into a card reader, getting a printout on green-lined side-punched paper and wondering which card got out of order and having to repeat the process. What you have in front of you will at some near future point seem as odd as the punch cards I used.
Ah, the good ol' days of Fortran and the IBM 1620. Don't forget how you had to bribe the computer operator to run your program.

I would add that in addition to "relationships", one needs the ability to think; i.e., use all the data extracted by someone else from computers and come up with the right answer. I'm sure Obama doesn't know PHP from ASP either.
Boy, what a trip down memory lane. You're right. That was the person behind the air-conditioned glass with the room-sized computers scurrying reels (remember the first discs- more like luncheon platters) around. Let's not forget that computer screens came in one version. No graphics. No font style choices. Color? Hah! Nothing entertaining. You didn't spend hours hanging around a computer. There was little fun to be had doing so.

I think the most important thing I learned in "higher" education was the ability to think and one professor reminded us: "We're not here to teach you skills, we're here to teach you to think." We were told this was what defined a university.

My apologies to the proof readers here who cringe at my grammar.
Another excellent post! We should put you up for president! But then again the left wing bloggers :ph34r: would probably just bash you to death! (Not on this forum of course :p )
I AM trying to get one of my Sacramento friends to start running in California. Whooz, get your Canadian passport ready. She's rougher than I am and thinks the place has gone to the dogs.
Quite understandible with Calee-for-nya (Arnold joke) being overwhelmed with illegals, law ignoring mayors and liberal judges trying to re-write the consititution instead of making judgements based on it and changing history in spite of it. My son lives in LA and I fear that someday he'll be a citizen of another country - not by choice!

This reminds me that I have to get my passport soon in case a few on this forum come chasing after me and I have to quickly head up the Adirondack Northway (I-87) to Canada. LOL Just kidding but I do live within two miles of the Northway.
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.

Sheesh, get a life people.
It is far more important in life to have good relationships than it is to have computer skills. This comes from someone whose first programming experience was putting COBOL (and the language that starts with an F, -forgotten it now), codes on punch cards, getting the cards in line, getting myself in line, feeding them into a card reader, getting a printout on green-lined side-punched paper and wondering which card got out of order and having to repeat the process. What you have in front of you will at some near future point seem as odd as the punch cards I used.
Ah, the good ol' days of Fortran and the IBM 1620. Don't forget how you had to bribe the computer operator to run your program.

I would add that in addition to "relationships", one needs the ability to think; i.e., use all the data extracted by someone else from computers and come up with the right answer. I'm sure Obama doesn't know PHP from ASP either.
I was a computer operator performing many of the processes "Guest" described early in my career and I must say this to you PaulM...

I didn't know I could have made money through bribes?
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
Dude, we're just talking. It's like TV: If you don't like the program, change the channel.
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
"USE IT OR LOSE IT" - It say's that on your sig. doesn't it? Do those words not also apply to "freedom of speech"? If I am not interested in hearing about freight trains, should I dare suggest that such discussion cease even if when a connection to Amtrak is mentioned? :huh:

If you're not interest in the content of this thread, why not just stop following it instead of suggesting to others what they should or should not be discussing? Oh, and one more thing... I think that most everybody on this forum has a life!
Whooz, get your Canadian passport ready.
I'm not going anywhere. I love America, and am disappointed to see it being run into the ground by Republicans who are more interested in further enriching the wealthy than providing transportation infrastructure for the rest of us. And should McCain prevail, I'm not the kind of hysterical clown who would threaten to move to Canada. Better to stay right here and keep arguing for change.
Good for you - I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, and am glad that they are people like you in this world.
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
"USE IT OR LOSE IT" - It say's that on your sig. doesn't it? Do those words not also apply to "freedom of speech"? If I am not interested in hearing about freight trains, should I dare suggest that such discussion cease even if when a connection to Amtrak is mentioned? :huh:

If you're not interest in the content of this thread, why not just stop following it instead of suggesting to others what they should or should not be discussing? Oh, and one more thing... I think that most everybody on this forum has a life!
:) A second thing we agree upon! (Even though we disagree politically.)
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
Dude, we're just talking. It's like TV: If you don't like the program, change the channel.
Exactly! :)
Here's the thing, sports fans.
Some of Amtrak's biggest cuts occurred under the Carter administration. Those cuts IMO, really crippled the national system, leaving us fewer options on the table that we need NOW.

25 years ago, the policy-makers and bean-counters only saw numbers needing cutting.

I would prefer having a national intercity railroad passenger train system being perceived as something both political parties agree upon, and fully believe those on this forum need to work towards. Remember: 218+51+1 votes are needed to make any federal spending happen. Positioning the national intercity railroad passenger train system in terms of a single political party is a mistake that passenger train advocates cannot afford to make.

That's why I think that it's nice that Senator Biden rides Amtrak, but don't expect any miracles if he and his running mate are elected to office.
I agree that Democrats and Republicans have by and large been equal opportunity mis-treaters of train travel and Amtrak - but I think Biden looks like a bright exception.
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
Dude, we're just talking. It's like TV: If you don't like the program, change the channel.
WOW! We agreed on something, matter of fact two things! What you stated above and in response to another post, I'm not going anywhere if Obama wins either. I love America too!

I think I'll have a glass of wine tonight and celebrate! I'm having Lambrusco; how about you? :p
Why are you people blowing bandwidth talking to walls? I've never seen one of these forum political debates convince anyone to change their mind. If you want an audience to rant to about your political beliefs, start a political blog site. At least move this thread to a off-topic non-Amtrak forum.
Sheesh, get a life people.
"USE IT OR LOSE IT" - It say's that on your sig. doesn't it? Do those words not also apply to "freedom of speech"? If I am not interested in hearing about freight trains, should I dare suggest that such discussion cease even if when a connection to Amtrak is mentioned? :huh:

If you're not interest in the content of this thread, why not just stop following it instead of suggesting to others what they should or should not be discussing? Oh, and one more thing... I think that most everybody on this forum has a life!
:) A second thing we agree upon! (Even though we disagree politically.)
I don't recall the first thing we agreed on! Anyway, we can disagree politically all we want, but to me all signs are that things are swinging in McCains direction, especially with around 20% of Hillary's supporters vowing to vote for McCain! I also just heard about those supporters at the convention in Denver may well implode the proceedings over the issue... and although it wouldn't suprise me if they were to pathetically try, they can't blame that on Bush! LOL
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