Does riding train through state equal having been to state?

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I posted this a few weeks ago in another thread, but it applies here too....


I have had this argument with a few people. In my opinion, an airline connection does NOT count as being in the state. For me, you need to experience the state, not just plop down in an sealed environment like an airport.

BUT, my opponents say, if you get arrested at that airport, would you go to jail there? I answer yes, and they say, then you are in that state! I don't agree.

But, I was on the CZ and went through Nebraska completely in the dark, so I didn't really 'see it'. But I DO count it as one of the 48 states I have visited (Alaska and Hawaii to go).
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Twice I have spent 8 hours on a layover at the Narita Airport in Japan. I never left the airport. The question is, if I wasn't in Japan during those layovers then where was I?
To each their own and I would never argue with anyone as to their own criteria. It is, after all, subjective. As for me, if I passed through a state, even if it was dark and I was asleep, I was there, so I count it. But if anyone differs, well, again, to each their own.
You didn't miss much at all in Albany.
Although Albany isn't another LA, Vegas, NYC or other large city, in addition to other attractions it does have THE EGG in the EMPIRE STATE PLAZA which is considered to be an engineering masterpiece. Some have gone as far as to call it the 8th wonder of the world. (a stretch no doubt)

You can click the green links above for more information about the Egg and the Empire State Plaza! :cool:
Call me jaded from too much time spent on the south mall, the capitol and the Harriman campus when I worked for NYS. :cool: But the Amtrak station at Rensselaer is among the nicest in the system.
I think passing through North Dakota both ways on the Empire Builder entitles one to claim South Dakota also.

Passing through West Virginia on the Capital Limited entitles one to claim Virginia since it was originally part of that state.

Reading an article about Alaska, while on any train entitles....oh never mind....
Call me jaded from too much time spent on the south mall, the capitol and the Harriman campus when I worked for NYS. :cool: But the Amtrak station at Rensselaer is among the nicest in the system.
I'lll agree! It certainly is better than either of the 2 prior stations! I couldn't believe it the first time I passed thru ALB after being gone for a number of years! :cool:
Now as a lifetime resident of the Albany area and having worked in the City of Albany for some 34 years, I would like to do you a favor and make the following official proclamation:
I have been forbidden to enter Albany! (Maybe it was my many years of working in and commuting to there!) But I did sneak through the city :ph34r: in March on the LSL! :lol:
Must be that APD's patrol cars :unsure: are slower than Amtrak's trains! :D
For me its no, but I really like to get into the places that I go. I have flown into Albany, NY and gone all the way across town to the train station and then on the return of that trip I came in to Albany on the peter pan bus, spent the night and got on the train in the morning. After all of that I still will not say that I have "been" to Albany. I have changed modes of transportation, but I didn't see any of the city.
You didn't miss much at all in Albany. :cool:

I count traveling through on land as having been in a state/country. I don't count flying over. Airport layovers also count.
EXCUSE ME! I have been in 43 states; all but 3 provinces( I'm counting the Yukon -- never been there), and several european countries, and have lived in 6 US cities -- and Albany remains the favorite place I've ever lived. If you really think " You didn't miss much at all in Albany"; you're right you've never been there. By the way -- cool thread!
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For me its no, but I really like to get into the places that I go. I have flown into Albany, NY and gone all the way across town to the train station and then on the return of that trip I came in to Albany on the peter pan bus, spent the night and got on the train in the morning. After all of that I still will not say that I have "been" to Albany. I have changed modes of transportation, but I didn't see any of the city.
You didn't miss much at all in Albany. :cool:

I count traveling through on land as having been in a state/country. I don't count flying over. Airport layovers also count.
EXCUSE ME! I have been in 43 states; all but 3 provinces( I'm counting the Yukon -- never been there), and several european countries, and have lived in 6 US cities -- and Albany remains the favorite place I've ever lived. If you really think " You didn't miss much at all in Albany"; you're right you've never been there. By the way -- cool thread!
You're excused. :wacko:

Don't let the fact that I live in California now fool you. I'm a born and bred New Yorker. If you bothered to read you'd have seen that I was a state worker who often traveled to Albany frequently even having friends and family members there. Also, note the smiley. It denotes a lack of malice. But, I stand by my statement having had to go there when I was younger the nightlife was sorely lacking. Relax and enjoy the thread.

The best way to put my theory on counting having been in a state is more or less this. If whatever I"ve been in or on is on terra firma then it counts train, plane, airport stop, it counts. I wish I counted flying over places then I could add 6 additional countries to my list.
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For me its no, but I really like to get into the places that I go. I have flown into Albany, NY and gone all the way across town to the train station and then on the return of that trip I came in to Albany on the peter pan bus, spent the night and got on the train in the morning. After all of that I still will not say that I have "been" to Albany. I have changed modes of transportation, but I didn't see any of the city.
You didn't miss much at all in Albany. :cool:

I count traveling through on land as having been in a state/country. I don't count flying over. Airport layovers also count.
EXCUSE ME! I have been in 43 states; all but 3 provinces( I'm counting the Yukon -- never been there), and several european countries, and have lived in 6 US cities -- and Albany remains the favorite place I've ever lived. If you really think " You didn't miss much at all in Albany"; you're right you've never been there. By the way -- cool thread!
You're excused. :wacko:

Don't let the fact that I live in California now fool you. I'm a born and bred New Yorker. If you bothered to read you'd have seen that I was a state worker who often traveled to Albany frequently even having friends and family members there. Also, note the smiley. It denotes a lack of malice. But, I stand by my statement having had to go there when I was younger the nightlife was sorely lacking. Relax and enjoy the thread.

The best way to put my theory on counting having been in a state is more or less this. If whatever I"ve been in or on is on terra firma then it counts train, plane, airport stop, it counts. I wish I counted flying over places then I could add 6 additional countries to my list.
My apologies. I make it a point of ignoring all smileys( I'm functionally blind where they're concerned) so I missed yours. It's probably a good thing since until I wrote this reply I wasn't aware that the textual definition of the one you used is: :wacko: While most people would take offense, it just reinforces my feeling that smileys are the pedophilia of visual communication.

To return to the topic of Albany, access to the train alone makes the Capital District a great place to live and even to visit. I haven't been to Sacremento but I would like to visit the RR museum someday. My personal criteria for counting a state, province or country is that I have to actually stay in or travel through it( point to point). Thus I count Kentucky because I had to travel from the airport to Cincinnati.

For me its no, but I really like to get into the places that I go. I have flown into Albany, NY and gone all the way across town to the train station and then on the return of that trip I came in to Albany on the peter pan bus, spent the night and got on the train in the morning. After all of that I still will not say that I have "been" to Albany. I have changed modes of transportation, but I didn't see any of the city.
You didn't miss much at all in Albany. :cool:

I count traveling through on land as having been in a state/country. I don't count flying over. Airport layovers also count.
EXCUSE ME! I have been in 43 states; all but 3 provinces( I'm counting the Yukon -- never been there), and several european countries, and have lived in 6 US cities -- and Albany remains the favorite place I've ever lived. If you really think " You didn't miss much at all in Albany"; you're right you've never been there. By the way -- cool thread!
You're excused. :wacko:

Don't let the fact that I live in California now fool you. I'm a born and bred New Yorker. If you bothered to read you'd have seen that I was a state worker who often traveled to Albany frequently even having friends and family members there. Also, note the smiley. It denotes a lack of malice. But, I stand by my statement having had to go there when I was younger the nightlife was sorely lacking. Relax and enjoy the thread.

The best way to put my theory on counting having been in a state is more or less this. If whatever I"ve been in or on is on terra firma then it counts train, plane, airport stop, it counts. I wish I counted flying over places then I could add 6 additional countries to my list.
My apologies. I make it a point of ignoring all smileys( I'm functionally blind where they're concerned) so I missed yours. It's probably a good thing since until I wrote this reply I wasn't aware that the textual definition of the one you used is: :wacko: While most people would take offense, it just reinforces my feeling that smileys are the pedophilia of visual communication.

To return to the topic of Albany, access to the train alone makes the Capital District a great place to live and even to visit. I haven't been to Sacremento but I would like to visit the RR museum someday. My personal criteria for counting a state, province or country is that I have to actually stay in or travel through it( point to point). Thus I count Kentucky because I had to travel from the airport to Cincinnati.

Darn this Board! It automatically included the stupid smiley that means "wacko" in my post. Now I've been inadvertently forced to use one of the accursed symbols against my will, something I swore I'd never do. Oh the Humanity!
Twice I have spent 8 hours on a layover at the Narita Airport in Japan. I never left the airport. The question is, if I wasn't in Japan during those layovers then where was I?
Having done llayovers there several times, I never counted it as being there because I did not get a Japan entry stamp in my passport. Once, thanks to a missed connection due to plane delay, I did get and entry stamp and spent a night some place nearby to the airport. My wanderings were somewhat curtailed by lack of funds, however. My simple rule has been no entry stamp equals not being there. For US airports, not going outside the airport grounds equals not being there.
Husband and I count a "pass-through" as having been in a state; but to have VISITED a state, you have to have actually got off the train/stopped the car/whatever, gotten out and gone somewhere or done something. Highway rest stops don't count. Dinner might :) .

This is not in anyway a complaint. I just don't understand the ?? for the fever of this topic. When I worked for Ice Capades my tour was 32 cities in 10 months. Some of them I can't remember anything except a hotel and a ice Arena. Does that mean I wasn't there? :rolleyes: Or is this just a target or challenge to say "I set foot in _____"


Try to remember though Eric, you were working the Ice Capades show. That means you just slipped in and out of most cities. :lol: :lol:
The way I see it, if you would be affected by any natural disaster that might occur (earthquake, landslide, fire, flood, etc.) then I would most certainly count it as being in the state, on a train or not!
The way I see it, if you would be affected by any natural disaster that might occur (earthquake, landslide, fire, flood, etc.) then I would most certainly count it as being in the state, on a train or not!
Me being on Skates again would certainly be a disaster, whether it's natural or unnatural is another question :lol: :huh: :lol:

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