Empire Builder first trip - EB and WB

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Jan 28, 2012
Well, don't know where to start. Anticipation was high as we boarded in Chicago. We LOVED our 2 roomettes across from each other. Son was so happy with his own space; daughter and I were directly across. Right away we were seeing new sights, as the EB rolled out of CHI headed west. Dinner reservations were being taken by the attendant who worked her way through the entire train. Our first dinner onboard was an experience that brought joy to this family and set the stage for the rest of our vacation. Servce was prompt and friendly; food was excellent. Every employee we came in contact with was personable, professional and efficient. When we rang for our SCA to make up the beds, we were wondering what it would be like to sleep in such a compact space, as the train roared through the night. We all agreed that it was the best way to travel. Upper level Roomettes are more in demand but we loved the lower level and feeling the track. Daughter was saying "whee" from her lower bunk until she fell asleep. In the morning, I woke before the kids were up, to get a cup of hot fresh coffee and watch the snowy tracks in our comfortable bed. When the kids were awake, headed to the diner for breakfast. It is never a problem to get breakfast or lunch; annoucements are made and you just head to the diner.

Second day, we are loving the adventure of seeing America. Though much of the plains are what the kids dubbed the "Montana Browns".... much of N. Dakota and Montana seem to be one color... brown.... it still captures my imagination as I try to picture crossing this land in a horse and covered wagon. Also we have transferred to our bedroom, and all I can say about the advantages and disadvantages of each situation, is that they do exist. But you can't go wrong either way.

We have to wake up in Spokane to change sleepers again. A surreal experience, and part of the adventure :)

Following the interrupted sleep. back to the diner for breakfast... we have left the plains for magnificent scenery that takes my breath away. Tall evergreens, mountains, valleys, rivers and waterfalls.

Service disruption at Everett due to mudslide. We detrain and hop on the waiting busses that take us to Seattle in 30 minutes.
:hi: Great Trip and Report! Talk about making Lemonade out of Lemons! And your Kidoos are so Lucky to have a Mom that gets to share such an Adventure with them, Memory Book Stuff for sure! :cool: Sounds like another Family Hooked on Train Travel!!! :wub: Look forward to the next Episode!!! :)
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Coming back WB. This time, one BR for the entire journey, so we stayed with the same SCA, a beautiful human being named Gul. This time, night fell quickly and we slept through the long stop in Spokane. We awoke to, once again, the magnificent snowy mountainous terrain. It was just getting light at Whitefish. At the diner for breakfast, the crew members looked a little fatigued. Apparently they did not get any sleep the night before due to having to deal with a loud and drunken group, who fortunately detrained at one of the morning stops. A nice mid-morning stop is Havre, MT where you can get out and walk along the platform. I got away from the smoking crowd to breathe in the fresh air and take a picture of the station. My watch appeared to be dying so I asked someone.. think it was the Engineer for the time and what time we would be leaving. "at :46" he replied, "With or without you." This amused me all day :rolleyes: :lol: :giggle:

Eventually, the mountains gave way to the "Browns" again. I skip the wine/cheese reception again and stay in the room with the kids, watching DVDs. We did not visit the sightseeing lounge on either trip. It almost seemed kind of selfish to take up seats in the lounge when we had our own room, and I was surprised that so many sleeping car passengers took up residence there. At dinner, a lovely sunset to see from the windows of the diner car, and our last night sleeping on the train. We were already feeling a little sad but there was another gorgeous day of scenery ahead. In the morning, awaken at St. Paul, MN. The train is being serviced and fueled and our SCA is hopping - but then he worked hard the entire trip. Later that morning I have fulfilled a lifelong dream by crossing the mighty Mississippi. I start singing "Moon River" until the kids beg me to stop. We have our last meal in the diner, an abbreviated lunch service as the staff gets ready for arrival into Chicago. It is with genuine regret that we say goodbye to the train and to Gul. We are already dreaming about our next train trip!
Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for sharing it with us. I love the Empire Builder, too. It really is a shame, though, that you did not spend any time in the sightseer lounge. You can enjoy it without taking up residence there. It is a great place to meet some of the other passengers, which is hard to do when you stay in your room the whole time. Even as a sleeper passenger, I spend a lot of time there but if/when I see others looking for a seat, I either invite them to join us at the table we are at or pack up and let them know that the spot is now available. Seems only fair.
Our trip was made infinitely more enjoyable by getting such good information from AU members. I could not have been better prepared. Even so I learned a few tips from the experience for next time... also am learning how to use the darn digital camera I just got. I have a lovely pic of the Havre station, and of the Mississippi, if I can figure out how to post them.
Our trip was made infinitely more enjoyable by getting such good information from AU members. I could not have been better prepared. Even so I learned a few tips from the experience for next time... also am learning how to use the darn digital camera I just got. I have a lovely pic of the Havre station, and of the Mississippi, if I can figure out how to post them.
Set up a free account at Flickr and upload them there. You can then have links to the pictures or embed them right here on AU.

Others have reported that Gul on the EB is one of the best attendants they have.

Great reports!!
Great report! Glad to hear you enjoyed the trip, and I am sure the kids will be talking about this trip for years to come!
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