Ever been on a train put into emergency?

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OBS Chief
Oct 16, 2003
The closest i have ever came was on a northbound metrorail train. We were coming into dadeland north when the motorman put the train into emergency. Has anyone here ever been on a train that was put into emergency?

I've been in BIE (brakes in emergency) on more than one NYC subway train, once or twice on a commuter train, and once on an Amtrak train.

If you like you can read a trip report that I wrote describing that Amtrak incident, as well as the rest of my trip. The report can be found here on OTOL.
On the Sunset Limited No. 1 somewhere in Texas when a small pickup truck traveling at probably around 60-70mph crashed into the side of our train (hitting the side of the dining car) at a protected grade crossing. It felt like we were traveling at around max speed of 79 when the incident occurred but then fe felt those emergency brakes. The pickup truck in question looked like an accordion-pancake hybrid after the crash. It put our diner out of service (for safety reasons since the lower part of the diner is the kitchen) for the rest of the trip and the crew had to bring outside food onboard for meals.
I've gone into emergency from hitting cars twice, both pre-Amtrak. Once in Illinois, once in north Florida near Jacksonville.

Oh, yes.. .. The Crescent in February of this year we went into emergency because we hit a barrel. I was going northbound from ATL to WAS.
Yes, on southbound 55 (Vermonter) last month. We were about 1 mile out of Burlington/Essex Junct.

You can usually tell because you are pushed forward in a sense, much more than normal break applications.

The conductor at that point inspected the train for flat spots, etc. Turns out some stupid kids were playing chicken with the train.
Yeah, there is a group of kids who play chicken with the train a lot up in that area. My buddy said on one occasion it looked like he was about to get a pickup while they played chicken. When the kids saw the pick up coming the kids just jumped down a hill to avoid being hit. That'll tech you to mess around with us. :lol:
Though I don't know if it was an emergancy application, two summers back comming into New Carrolton on an Acela Regional for some reason the train did not seem to be stopping. All of sudden it felt like we went from 30mph to 0mph in two seconds flat with 3 cars off platform. ;)
More than likely the Engineer put the train into a Full Service application, which is almost Emergency but you can come out of it without stopping. Also, it is more than likely the Engineer flat out forgot about the stop, as some trains stop there, some don't.
I was on a Capitol Corridor train last September that went into Emergency just north of the tennyson road crossing in Hayward because someone was laying on the tracks. Unfortunately for the hogger and the AC who were in the cab car (8313) the person did not move and they could not stop in time as they were traveling at 79 and we ran the person over. I could tell he threw it into emergency by the rush of air and sharpnedd of the braking.
I have been on a train numerous times when put into EM, due to various reasons. The last time I can remember was on the Crescent, train #19, about a year ago because of reasons that the crew could not determine.
I know I haven't. I know someone who's been in two. He was involved in a small one in Vermont where the Vermonter derailed an engine and a car, nothing over turned, no serious injuries, the only fatality was the truck driver. He was in the Auto Train wreck, we all know how that went. He was downstairs in the smoking lounge for the coaches at the time. He'd just showered after making up the train in Sanford yard, well the shower's effect didn't last long. He was nearly buried alive in ballast as the car toppled, but he walked away with a few bruises, and "I didn't realize it til I left, but I had rocks in my pockets."
I was in one on a streetcar on the St. Charles Avenue line in New Orleans back in April of 1999. Minor derailment but it closed the line for a few hours while they cleared the scene, I don;t think anyone was injuerd either. I believe the cause was a misaligned switch.
AlanB said:
Breeze said:
Have any of you been in a derailment?
Thankfully, no. :)

And I've logged almost 40,000 miles on Amtrak on 106 different trips.
Wow I feel special now. I've logged more trips and almost as many miles as Alan. Now that's amazing. :D :lol:
battalion51 said:
Wow I feel special now. I've logged more trips and almost as many miles as Alan. Now that's amazing. :D :lol:
See, even those short little trips add up pretty quickly. :) Not that 200+ miles is exactly a short trip either. Although 200 does pale in comparison to my 3,600+ mile trip last December, but that was a huge multi-day event.
Then again most of my days are 500 mile days, but two segments. Although that's changed recently thanks to JAX optionals which has moved all the Conductors I dislike to weekends. Let's just say Tri-Rail is seeing more of me.
And those that have been in emergencies and/or derailments, were not scared? You still like riding trains?
Well for my buddy he still loves going to work, he did transfer out of Sanford following the derailment, but he was planning on the transfer even before the derailment. He and I both know it goes with the territory, just like another job, split happens.
Breeze said:
And those that have been in emergencies and/or derailments, were not scared? You still like riding trains?
Well while I've never been in a derailment, I have been in two car accidents. One when I was driving, and one years ago when my mom was driving the car.

Yet I still like driving my car. :)

It's like that famous saying, "if you fall off your horse, get right back on it".

Yes you may have a moment of panic, but life goes on and train travel remains one of the safest ways to travel.
We have ALL been in car mis-haps or wrecks, or fender-benders or something, we still drive, Breeze, and at least some of us probably still enjoy it. Alan is making a good point there.

I have been riding trains for many years(all my life) and have many miles to my name. I have never been in a wreck. However, twice I have been on trains when we hit cars. And I tell you very, very truthfully, Breeze---on neither occasion did I really even notice (i.e. just a "rough spot" on the tracks)----it is only because of overhearing the crew talking(and the subequent delay while the accidents were invesitgated) that I even knew we had hit something.

A point which has already been made but I will renew it---most of the "train wrecks" you hear about are nothing of the sort---mostly it is when a car has for whatever reason run in front of a train. And the damage is usually minimal to the train.
Wow you guys have no fear huh? I agree Alan and Bill, I have been in a car wreck and was ok like the very next minute! I think what it is, is that this train thing is so fresh to me and so I don't know what to expect and I think that is what has me feeling not so sure about it..just because it's new!
just to throw in my two cents - you have nothing to worry about, the train is a superb mode of travel and is far safer than the automobile. Just enjoy the trip :D
As the old saying goes s*it happens, I got on the train the day after the emergency incident and rode the streetcars three hours after the derailment when things open up. Am I scared to ride the train or streetcars, or any kind of rail vehicle, no.

I should also mention that I also flew from CA to NY within three weeks after 9/11 so I didn't let that get to me either, and I was far more afraid there... :)
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