Jinx strikes again...

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Mar 22, 2004
Nottingham, England.
Hi Folks,

Having blown a big trumpet about my extended trip to your shores, I had to cancel yet again at very short notice on health grounds. I had even arranged to meet up with GG1 in Las Vegas within 48 hours, so last minute let down indeed!

I don't expect to make it to the Chicago gathering at this point, although I am not cancelling my hostel just yet. Awaiting some "test results" as they say, so will have a better idea in a week or so. My gut feeling is that I might be better to limit my rail jaunts to Europe in future, but time will tell. America seems a long way from home when one is feeling slightly under the weather!

Cheers for now,

Ed :cool:
I hope you feel better soon and are able to travel comfortably. I believe we are the same age - getting "old" stinks. I just received a diagnosis that blindsided me. Fortunately, for now, it will not prevent me from traveling.
:( Eddie: Sorry to hear this Old Man! Hopefully everything will come out OK and you can be on the road again soon! Keep us posted, maybe you can still make it to CHI for the Gathering! ;)
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Sorry for the news Ed! :(

I know how you feel about this holiday. A couple years ago, I broke my leg and per doctor's orders had to stay off it for 8 weeks! That meant no traveling. It was also 7 weeks before the Seattle Gathering! :(

I hope you can make it. :) But if not, I may have to get over to the UK or the rest of Europe to ride trains with you! :p
Eddie, so sorry you are having health problems and wishing you the best in a quick recovery. Same things been going on with me for the past six months. As Penny said, getting old is not always a positive move :)

Hoping to see you again soon.
Well, since I'm hoping the tests turn out decent, I say good call on not cancelling the room at the hostel yet. Still hoping I can see you there this year, cuz it has been way too long since I've had a chance to see you! :)

Sorry you are still not feeling well take care and we will "see you real soon", an expression from the mickey mouse club closing from the 50's and my youth.
Hi Folks,

Having blown a big trumpet about my extended trip to your shores, I had to cancel yet again at very short notice on health grounds. I had even arranged to meet up with GG1 in Las Vegas within 48 hours, so last minute let down indeed!

I don't expect to make it to the Chicago gathering at this point, although I am not cancelling my hostel just yet. Awaiting some "test results" as they say, so will have a better idea in a week or so. My gut feeling is that I might be better to limit my rail jaunts to Europe in future, but time will tell. America seems a long way from home when one is feeling slightly under the weather!

Cheers for now,

Ed :cool:
Hope for good news. :)