Kudos to Amtrak Employees who saved my gym bag

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Apr 5, 2011
Baltimore. MD
Last night, while riding home on NER 188, I placed my bag with workout clothes on the overhead rack. When I got off in Baltimore and went up the stairs, I wondered all of a sudden why I wasn't bothered with the weight of the bag in my hand. Yes, I had left a bag of dirty workout clothes sitting on the overhead rack of the quiet car, and the bag was now speeding on towards New York.

I asked the person at the information desk what I should do, she told me to go over to the baggage check. I did that, explained my situation, and the nice lady had me fill out a lost and found form, and then she called the conductor on 188 and gave her my description of the bag. She said when she found it, she would drop it off in Wilmington to ride back on the next train south, where I could pick it up the next day. Which I did, at about 6:30 PM, the lady in the baggage room recognized me and had my bag waiting.

Anyway, with all the complaining about service we sometimes hear, I thought it might be nice to share a positive experience.
Please call that Customer Praise Line or write an Email and let them know of your appreciation. Amtrak has many,many very fine employees out dealing with the public. They turkeys, unfortunately, get most of the comments.
An abandoned bag it's a good thing you reported it lest someone have seen something and said something, and you be looking into some bright lights about now. ;)
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