LAX to NYP, NYP to PDX and on to LAX question

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Dan O

Feb 21, 2008
So Calif
I had such a nice time on my trip to NYC recently that I am thinking of doing another one this summer. Rather than go on the CZ one way, I think I may go on the EB for part of the trip. Anyway, I have a few questions.
I took the LSL in a roomette last time. I am not sure it's worth the difference in price for a bed ($81 vs $640 for the day I'd likely go). The food certainly isn't worth paying extra to get.
While in NYC I may want to try riding the Acela if it's not too pricey. Which direction would be better to go for it to show off any speed? I have taken a regional from NYC to WAS so seen what scenery that has to offer. The trip on the Acela would be more for the train experience than scenery. An hour or 90 minutes would be plenty for me. I don't want to spend a whole day on the trains.
Coming back, I thought about taking the EB to PDX and switching to the CS. I figure if the EB is super late and I had to go home a day later, one night in coach (if that's what it meant) wouldn't be the end of me. The question I have though is about getting into LA. I'd like to switch in Emeryville and take the train/bus combo to LA, arriving more like 6-7 PM vs 9 PM. The last Metrolink train heading to San Bernardino pulls out at 938 PM and that window is pretty tight with the CS. The question is this: if the CS is super late into the Bay Area, do you think it would be possible to change from the train/bus combo to just staying on the CS? If I am for sure going to miss the last Metrolink train east, there is no point in changing trains. Depending on how late it may be, I may get into LA even later if I switch in Emeryville.
Other question would be if I was to have a ticket for the San Joaquin and the CS is too late for that train, would it be difficult to switch to the next one?
Many thanks.
I believe the fastest section of track for the Acela is In Massachusetts between Providence and the Boston area stations. If you’re taking the LSL for your return trip, perhaps you could do an Acela from NYP-BOS then take the Boston section of the LSL.

Acelas tend to be not cheap, though. If cost is a concern s Saturday Acela may be cheaper than a weekday one.
If you want to experience the Acela at its fastest speed, you want to ride from New York to Philadelphia or beyond -- or ride the portion east of Westerly RI to Boston. The stretch from New York to New Haven is mostly rather slow running. The best scenery on the Boston leg also is east of New Haven.

In terms of cost, in my experience the Acela heading south (west) from New York is the most heavily used portion, especially NYP-PHL, and therefore likely the most expensive. From New York to Boston, you can often get a much more affordable fare in the midweek period if you book a few weeks ahead and if you're flexible about which departure you'll take.
Thanks for the information about the Acela. I'll look for something at least a few weeks ahead of time. One day I saw a ticket to Philly for $45. Points for the same trip was 4600ish. Ouch. Guess cash would be best in that case.
Does anyone know if I miss a San Joaquin train/bus trip if I could take the next train without going through Amtrak or would I have to reschedule through them?
Thanks for the information about the Acela. I'll look for something at least a few weeks ahead of time. One day I saw a ticket to Philly for $45. Points for the same trip was 4600ish. Ouch. Guess cash would be best in that case.
Does anyone know if I miss a San Joaquin train/bus trip if I could take the next train without going through Amtrak or would I have to reschedule through them?
On the NEC spine all trains are reserved, so you will need to change your reservation and possibly face change of price too in doing so.
If you want to ride the Acela, I would go via Washington (either the Capital from Chicago or Sunset limited to New Orleans and Crescent to Washington.
I second the comment about not doing NY to NHV as it is metro north territory and the Acela isn't much faster than a conventional train in that segment. NY to PHL sounds about right for trip length, you get the 150 mph running in NJ and you could spend a day seeing the sights of Philly.
Besides the speeds, I got a thrill on the curves, when the tilt mechanism did their thing and the horizon would rise and fall.
Yes. You'll get plenty of those between NYP and PHL too, starting with one right as you exit the Hudson tubes onto the Jersey Meadows.