Lets clear this up, the first train included the 10020, the Pacific Command. This was a former crewdorm for a few years before being turned into a Amtrak business car. The first train also included the 10002, the Corridor Clipper. The Corridoe Clipper (I think) was a former Metroliner (correct me if I'm wrong) was completely rebuilt. If I got that wrong, then it was an Amfleet I.
The Obama train included 3 cafe cars, including two with the Northeast Regional logos on them. Infact, I might have been in the same cafe car as Obama and Biden were in
.The train also included 6 coaches. Wow, imagine if engine 44 (referring to access bob's post) broke down!
The third train included 4 coaches, a Northeast Regional painted cafe, and 10001, the Beech Grove.