Petition to restore Sunset East now on

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AU Supporting Member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 13, 2011
The merits of this proposal have been debated endlessly on AU, but it's been getting more visibility recently. Now, there is a petition on the White House website.

Restore train service to Amtrak's Sunset Limited east of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Since Amtrak has no definate date or plans to restore rail passenger service on The Sunset Limited east of New Orleans while citing to me that they are in negotiations with perspective states; the prospect looks like a long drawn out process with no immediate progress.

I am asking the United States, Congress and The Cabinet of the Obama Administration to intervene, finance and restore Amtrak service on The Sunset Limited eastward into Florida terminating in either Orlando, Jacksonville or Miami.
Thanks Charlie. I just signed the petition.
The merits of this proposal have been debated endlessly on AU, but it's been getting more visibility recently. Now, there is a petition on the White House website.

Restore train service to Amtrak's Sunset Limited east of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Since Amtrak has no definate date or plans to restore rail passenger service on The Sunset Limited east of New Orleans while citing to me that they are in negotiations with perspective states; the prospect looks like a long drawn out process with no immediate progress.

I am asking the United States, Congress and The Cabinet of the Obama Administration to intervene, finance and restore Amtrak service on The Sunset Limited eastward into Florida terminating in either Orlando, Jacksonville or Miami.
This is also the site where a number of petitions have been started for states to be allowed to succeed from the union. I think Texas wants to try again.
The merits of this proposal have been debated endlessly on AU, but it's been getting more visibility recently. Now, there is a petition on the White House website.

Restore train service to Amtrak's Sunset Limited east of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Since Amtrak has no definate date or plans to restore rail passenger service on The Sunset Limited east of New Orleans while citing to me that they are in negotiations with perspective states; the prospect looks like a long drawn out process with no immediate progress.

I am asking the United States, Congress and The Cabinet of the Obama Administration to intervene, finance and restore Amtrak service on The Sunset Limited eastward into Florida terminating in either Orlando, Jacksonville or Miami.
This is also the site where a number of petitions have been started for states to be allowed to succeed from the union. I think Texas wants to try again.
:lol: I'd believe every word of that sentence.. Considering I earlier in the day read a story about Ohio State posting a petition there asking for President Obama to Pardon the football team so they can play in the post season. As the football team is 11-0. It was quickly removed.
33 signatures. Only 24,967 more needed before White House stands up and takes notice. That should be easy.

This is also the site where a number of petitions have been started for states to be allowed to succeed from the union. I think Texas wants to try again.
That would be this petition-

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government

As of now 115,000 people have signed this petition (I have a feeling quite a few among these are the people from other states who'd prefer to see Texas to just go away, good riddance!)

Anyone fancy an international train ride on Sunset Limited passing through The Republic of Texas?

P.S.: BTW on that site there is also a petition asking "City of Austin to Secede from Republic of Texas if Texas decides to secede from the United States". It would be fun to see how deep someone goes. Would there be one asking "7th Street to secede from City of Austin if it secedes from State of Texas if it secedes from the United States"? :giggle:
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33 signatures. Only 24,967 more needed before White House stands up and takes notice. That should be easy.

Give it time. I noted that Malcolm K. of Washington DC was #2 on the list so the subject will be on National Association of Railroad Passengers web site this Friday. So give it time.

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:lol: I'd believe every word of that sentence.. Considering I earlier in the day read a story about Ohio State posting a petition there asking for President Obama to Pardon the football team so they can play in the post season. As the football team is 11-0. It was quickly removed.
Who ever thought that this allowing people to submit on-line petitions was a good idea is probably regretting it now. Of course, it was going to lead to silly or angry petitions. It the INTERNET! Any idiot can get on-line - and they do! :p

As for the Sunset Limited petition, might as well sign it. Not going to change anything, but what the heck. Next, a petition to restore [insert canceled LD service of your choice here].
Signed. I'm not expecting much, but it's not like it cost me much either.

33 signatures. Only 24,967 more needed before White House stands up and takes notice. That should be easy.

If you're really that down about it then maybe you should demand your signature back. :giggle:
Everyone who signs this, are committing themselves to contribute $10,000 each, correct?

25,000 people, at $10,000 a head, is $250M. That should be enough cash to get it rolling again.
Just wondering if there's anything else rail-related up on the site.
I don't see any other visible rail or transportation related petitions. A lot of succession and marijuana petitions. Not only state X to secede succeed from the US, but also some like for El Paso to be allowed to secede from the state of Texas because it is treated like a second class city. Guess El Paso and western end of TX could join the state of NM.

At the moment, the petition for the SAL East restoration has 71 signatures. However, petitions have to get to 150 signatures to be publicly visible on the website, so it does not show up on the set of 227 active petitions. If advocates for the SAL want the petition to get any attention, they should go to other railroad forums to ask for enough signatures to break the 150 threshold. Then they might get people checking the petition list to sign.

Edit: fix brain freeze on the spelling of secede. I blame spell checkers!
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That used to be the case, but I think I heard that the .com people lost control of the name and now it's just one of those "lovely" redirects. And no, I am not going to go and check.
This is also the site where a number of petitions have been started for states to be allowed to succeed from the union. I think Texas wants to try again.
That would be this petition-

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government

As of now 115,000 people have signed this petition (I have a feeling quite a few among these are the people from other states who'd prefer to see Texas to just go away, good riddance!)

Anyone fancy an international train ride on Sunset Limited passing through The Republic of Texas?

P.S.: BTW on that site there is also a petition asking "City of Austin to Secede from Republic of Texas if Texas decides to secede from the United States". It would be fun to see how deep someone goes. Would there be one asking "7th Street to secede from City of Austin if it secedes from State of Texas if it secedes from the United States"? :giggle:
I suspect that once one arrives in the Republic of Texas, one would have to go through Texas Customs, show your passport, be inspected, fruits and plants declarations, international trash removal Texas provided, train staff and engineers, new catering. Just like entering Canada.

Once one arrives in Austin, go through Austin Customs, show your passport, be inspected, fruits and plants declaration, international trash removal, Austin provided train staff and engineers, new catering. Just like entering Texas.

Once the train arrives on 7th street, go through 7th street! What a great idea and way to travel!
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That used to be the case, but I think I heard that the .com people lost control of the name and now it's just one of those "lovely" redirects. And no, I am not going to go and check.
Just checked. It's a fairly benign redirect site.

For something a little more bizarre (though entirely G-rated), visit

Be sure to "refresh" the homepage a few times while you're there.

OK, guess we're really Off-Topic now...sorry!
Everyone who signs this, are committing themselves to contribute $10,000 each, correct?
I wouldn't be surprised to learn $10,000 of my taxes had been spent bombing the hell out of Iraq. Compared to what a moral and financial waste that was I'd consider spending $10,000 on the Sunset Limited to be a much better and brighter idea.

Not only state X to succeed from the US, but also some like for El Paso to be allowed to succeed from the state of Texas because it is treated like a second class city. Guess El Paso and western end of TX could join the state of NM.
Maybe things were different in the past, but today's El Paso is the armpit of Texas. If Texas doesn't want it you can be certain New Mexico won't take it.

Will JimHudson run for President (or Dictator) of this new Republic of Texas?
I'd vote for Jim. Heck I'd probably vote for anyone who wasn't named Rick Perry at this point. What a pathetic boob for a governor we have. Truly an embarrassment to anyone with a functioning brain. Then again maybe that's why he's such a perennial favorite in these here parts.
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Will JimHudson run for President (or Dictator) of this new Republic of Texas?
I'd vote for Jim. Heck I'd probably vote for anyone who wasn't named Rick Perry at this point. What a pathetic boob for a governor we have. Truly an embarrassment to anyone with a functioning brain. Then again maybe that's why he's such a perennial favorite in these here parts.
I live in Florida. Do you want to swap governors? :giggle:
By the way, the word is "secede", not "succeed". I am sure that those signing the SECEDE petitions hope to SUCCEED, but they are not the same thing.

Since Florida ended up voting the right way, maybe there is a chance for the Sunset East, but the line is still slow, and that will not change without a lot of money being spent.
Will JimHudson run for President (or Dictator) of this new Republic of Texas?
I'd vote for Jim. Heck I'd probably vote for anyone who wasn't named Rick Perry at this point. What a pathetic boob for a governor we have. Truly an embarrassment to anyone with a functioning brain. Then again maybe that's why he's such a perennial favorite in these here parts.
I live in Florida. Do you want to swap governors? :giggle:
A professional fraudster and a friendly idiot. Maybe they're long lost brothers? On the other hand we somehow managed to send our last friendly idiot all the way to the White House. Thanks to Florida, I guess. :lol:

By the way, the word is "secede", not "succeed". I am sure that those signing the SECEDE petitions hope to SUCCEED, but they are not the same thing.
I saw that but then I wondered how many people who actually want to secede could spell it correctly if it wasn't already printed on their bumper sticker. Here in Texas many residents remain convinced that the state really has a perfectly valid option it can exercise to leave the union at the time and place of it's own choosing. Leaving the union has already been tried once, and when it came back together any hint or doubt about what would happen was settled both in a legal and practical sense. Even if Texas could somehow leave the union our lack of a state run military would leave us open to being manipulated or perhaps even attacked by Mexico. I doubt that's what most pro-secession Texans would want, but we'd be hard pressed to stop it if we didn't have anyone to call on. Maybe we'd beg the United Nations to intervene, but it could take hours for the laughter to die down and by then Mexico would have already captured most of our territory anyway. I think it was Glenn Beck who recently said even Texas has become too liberal and that Oklahoma is the new promised land for American conservatives. Even many Texans consider Oklahoma to be backwards, so maybe he's on to something.
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