Who Likes Glenn Beck?

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Well, yes, but he also repeats the themes like how investment in passenger rail is a reduction in choice, and that it means that leftists actually want to take away cars & roads. I mean, while he points out some "interesting" things regarding the Cloward-Piven strategy, he ( and many others who are now making their appearance on the political right, including talk radio) is way off base regarding transit and improved passenger train service. Way, way, way off base.

With regard to conservatives and the Cloward-Piven strategy they think that millions of liberals are stealing hundreds of the government's dollars, when in actuality it is hundreds of conservatives stealing millions of the government's dollars. Think about Bush's bank bailout and the bonuses given to top employees.

To relate this to Amtrak and most railroads in this country; the employees have health insurance provided by UnitedHealth Care who's CEO last year received in total compensation $ 1.2 BILLION (salary and stock options) This is ludicrous and obscene while at the same time their managed healthcare delays and confusion caused me to lose 80% of the vision in one eye. People these are the real "death panels".

edit for fat fingers and small keys
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Hellow, moderators - this is exactly the sort of crap that we DON'T NEED on this forum. Please delete & remove. Or, at least lock and let it fade away...
Hellow, moderators - this is exactly the sort of crap that we DON'T NEED on this forum. Please delete & remove. Or, at least lock and let it fade away...
Never mind that Glenn Beck's bizarre attacks are exactly the sort of crap that Amtrak DOESN'T NEED in an era of pending and potentially extreme budget cuts. None of us asked Glenn to join-in on the rampant Amtrak bashing, he chose that path all by himself. Unless you can give us an explanation for why this thread isn't a valid discussion topic I don't see any pressing reason to lock or remove it.
Glenn Beck is one of the greatest comedians on the Fox network. As far as comedians go, he's easily beats John Stewart in this regard.... the only thing about Stewart I don't like is that John jokes about stuff that actually happens; unlike Glenn Beck who comes up with his own entirely new material from his own fantasy land. Glenn Beck is just that much more imaginative.

I mean how hard is it to take pot shots at the President for things he's actually done? It takes real talent to make up alleged failures.
Hellow, moderators - this is exactly the sort of crap that we DON'T NEED on this forum. Please delete & remove. Or, at least lock and let it fade away...

Yes,it IS needed.We need to know what the detractors of passenger rail are saying.
Check this one out, if you haven't seen it:

Glenn Beck Attacks Progressive Voter

You should type in your name or that of a friend (you don't have to have a Facebook account), then click "Watch your video" . . .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW, the antirail people in Wisconsin used the phrase "choo-choo train" or "choo choo" as sort of a Republican insider's code to try to denigrate or scorn supporters of high-speed rail between Madison and Chicago, to get Republican Scott Walker elected.

Sounds like baby-talk to me. . .

Kasich and his supporters said the same thing.
My question is why has passenger rail become such a whipping boy among a segment of society from a certain range on the IQ scale?

Because all types of rail ridership has been increasing, my theory is that people are getting scared. For a large proportion of society, the mere thought of anything but the private automobile is the end of life on the planet as we know it.
My question is why has passenger rail become such a whipping boy among a segment of society from a certain range on the IQ scale?
No kidding. The first murmurings seemed to happen after Obama was elected and starting showing consistent support for passenger rail. At first I was very pleased to see some much needed attention being given to Amtrak and HSR after so many years of relative indifference. Then out of nowhere Amtrak funding suddenly became "controversial" as the other side rushed to blindly condemn as many Obama programs as possible, even when it meant reversing their own position on initiatives they previously supported themselves. I don't think Amtrak's budget represents a large prize for either side, but after this latest wave of hyper-partisan politicians we just elected every single program has become just another pawn to be used to inflict as much damage and scorn as possible on the other party.
Never heard the guy and never intend to. From the comments about what he said, sounds like he is taking his rail talking points from Wendell Cox and such like. (I guess Cox is still around. I have not heard much out of him lately.)

I do agree that deleting this thread would be putting this conversation out of our misery.
Never heard the guy and never intend to. From the comments about what he said, sounds like he is taking his rail talking points from Wendell Cox and such like. (I guess Cox is still around. I have not heard much out of him lately.) I do agree that deleting this thread would be putting this conversation out of our misery.
If you're not a supporter of Beck then what's to be miserable about?
I don't always agree with Glen Beck but anyone who hates both political parties is someone that I truly admire.
Hate no . but despise both partys .

Being that I Live In IOWA Need I say more ..

I was here during the 08 Pres runs and it was a nightmare..

The ONLY party Iam with is the FRAT party .( bad college joke ( no, am not in a frat ) ) .

IMHO no news agency is correct on there facts .

do I watch Fox . You bey ya ! but not to get the news , There IS no News on the networks .

anytime any anchor regurgitates news Will by definition change ,

thus it is opinion on news ..

I do this ..

I look at Fox ( Right wing ) CNN and ABC( Left wing) and BBC( other nation) and ONLINE ( non funded ) and THEN ONLY THEN do I consider what I read decently fair and balanced ..

but here is the kicker .Most People want to just read/watch one source and wish they had the real story . You can't .

to quote Simon and Garfunkel " I get all the news I need on the weather report ".....

I look at Fox ( Right wing ) CNN and ABC( Left wing) and BBC( other nation) and ONLINE ( non funded ) and THEN ONLY THEN do I consider what I read decently fair and balanced
CNN and ABC don't even cover the topics left wingers like me are most interested in, let alone pushing our side of the discussion. If you were to call Salon.com or Huffington Post left wing then I'd agree, but ABC? CNN? Sorry, but no. Heck, the first time I ever saw Glenn Beck's far-right conspiracy theories was on his own show at CNN.
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Beck is right about some things...but not about passenger rail service.

Investment in high speed rail is the one good idea Obama has had while in office. Is it a money losing proposition for the government? Possibly...but so is just about any other thing taxpayer money is spent on. I don't see how increased transportation choices would be a bad thing.
Never heard the guy and never intend to. From the comments about what he said, sounds like he is taking his rail talking points from Wendell Cox and such like. (I guess Cox is still around. I have not heard much out of him lately.) I do agree that deleting this thread would be putting this conversation out of our misery.
If you're not a supporter of Beck then what's to be miserable about?
I just watched that video for the first time today.

What's to be miserable about?

The fact that Glenn Beck is even on the air. It's so sad.

I agree with George. Let's just put this thread out of our misery. :lol:
Until recently, Beck was merely an annoying paranoid crank, good for a quick chuckle with a side of wordsalad. But the n-a-z-i rhetoric has taken his schizophrenia to a new and disturbing low. Any network (other than the Fix Noise Channel) would have canned his sorry act by now.
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As I've pointed about before, Amtrak is a common target because it's perceived as having a small constituency. By listening to Beck and his ilk, you'd think that we'd balance the budget if if we just got rid of Amtrak, the Park Service, PBS/NPR, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Of course, these are all minuscule parts of the budget. To make actual, large cuts in spending, you must make deep cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and the military. It's not mathematical possible to do it otherwise. Even if you got rid of every single other thing the federal government spends money on, we'd still have a deficit from those three. That's why the Republicans so far have not published any numbers on how they're going to make the cuts they promised. They know they can't deliver it without very unpopular cuts.

The public's ignorance on this doesn't help. The #1 item the public suggests cutting is foreign aid (forget that it's small). The largest recipient is Israel, which the public doesn't want cut. :huh:
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If you're not a supporter of Beck then what's to be miserable about?
I just watched that video for the first time today.

What's to be miserable about?

The fact that Glenn Beck is even on the air. It's so sad.

I agree with George. Let's just put this thread out of our misery.
Requesting to lock this topic won't actually stop Beck from bashing Amtrak, but it definitely will push this thread back to the top of the recent activity list. Just thought y'all might want to know that since it doesn't appear to be sinking in on its own. :mellow:
GB is a moron he called Co-Op city socialism.....Co-Op city is one of the largest Middle Class Housing projects in North America. Its also a city within a city and democracy since you can elect or recall board members. I wonder when the Onion is going to hire this joker...
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