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Mar 22, 2004
Nottingham, England.
I think I am a rather "sad" individual, in that I waste a little bit of time most days "around" this board. At least I like Amtrak, and am a supporter of rail travel. How much "sadder" would I be if I joined the board in order just to be negative, unpleasant, and only heap gloom and doom on Amtrak.

As soon as I see certain members names, I KNOW IN ADVANCE OF READING that their contributions are certain to attack Amtrak in one way or another.

Goodness knows, we have all had a bad Amtrak experience, but get over it.. If I hated Amtrak as much as some members do on here, I guess I would resign from what is, afrer all, an enthusiasts website..

Ed :cool:
I enjoy reading constructive comments. I have learned sooo much from this board and appreciate the members who spend their valuable time assisting newbies and those of us who are not as seasoned and have legitimate questions.

:D Penny
I enjoy reading constructive comments. I have learned sooo much from this board and appreciate the members who spend their valuable time assisting newbies and those of us who are not as seasoned and have legitimate questions.

:D Penny
Penny, one word of your post sums up the whole point for me.... "Constructive". I am all for answering questions and for offering advice/sympathy to people who may have had a less than stellar experience with Amtrak. Trust me, despite my love of Amtrak, I'd had my share of bad experiences and have received just compensation for said experiences. But when certain members seem to be here for the express purpose of starting or furthering flame-wars, it takes quite a bit away from the experience.

Don't feed the trolls :)
I think some of the detractors make very good points...very badly. Should they have said the same thing in a more positive, less unreasonable manner, all would be pretty well I think.

Trust me, despite my love of Amtrak, I'd had my share of bad experiences and have received just compensation for said experiences.
I too have had bad experiences (such as arriving on the Cardinal "on time" at 2:47 - except it was AM not PM
), but I still love to ride Amtrak!
I'm sure that many of the seasoned travelers have had some bad experience at one time or another.

I compile the birthday list, and before I post the birthdays I check their profiles. Many times I see "Last Activity = xx/xx/2002" or "xx/xx/2005" and their post is "1" or "2"!
I could be wrong, but I don't think those were complimentary posts!
caravanman, Penny, Dano and the_traveler

I agree with all of you. I have noticed lately there have been posts that are, overall, very negative. So I don't read their posts. I have had a few bad trips of my own, but I don't dwell on them. I hope those members will tone down on all that negativism.

I think I am a rather "sad" individual, in that I waste a little bit of time most days "around" this board. At least I like Amtrak, and am a supporter of rail travel. How much "sadder" would I be if I joined the board in order just to be negative, unpleasant, and only heap gloom and doom on Amtrak.

As soon as I see certain members names, I KNOW IN ADVANCE OF READING that their contributions are certain to attack Amtrak in one way or another.

Goodness knows, we have all had a bad Amtrak experience, but get over it.. If I hated Amtrak as much as some members do on here, I guess I would resign from what is, afrer all, an enthusiasts website..

Ed :cool:
Because they derive their enjoyment from stirring up fights. Personally, I think the mods on here are way to lenient for what are, essentially, trolls.
I think I am a rather "sad" individual, in that I waste a little bit of time most days "around" this board. At least I like Amtrak, and am a supporter of rail travel. How much "sadder" would I be if I joined the board in order just to be negative, unpleasant, and only heap gloom and doom on Amtrak.

As soon as I see certain members names, I KNOW IN ADVANCE OF READING that their contributions are certain to attack Amtrak in one way or another.

Goodness knows, we have all had a bad Amtrak experience, but get over it.. If I hated Amtrak as much as some members do on here, I guess I would resign from what is, afrer all, an enthusiasts website..

Ed :cool:
Because they derive their enjoyment from stirring up fights. Personally, I think the mods on here are way to lenient for what are, essentially, trolls.
Soooooo, in your "perfect world of an internet fan board", you would allow no dissent or would flag anyone who disagrees with your thoughts of "how great it is to ride Amtrak"? (I'm generalizing here GML, I have not gone back and read all of your posts)

I became a member because I love to ride, talk about, and visit passenger railroading. I was a guest for years, strike that, a "luker", I didn't post until I joined.

The biggest disservice we can do is to dissuade members and guest from posting their real-life experiences, even if they are just "venting", offer nothing positive, and are wildly off-base.

Don't like it? Don't read it, or scan thru it. I tire of it too.

However, reading the litany of "less-than-stellar" experiences has really incensed me. It made me realize that I have been an AmPologist for years, and I didn't like that realization.

I called Customer Service, I sent emails, I wrote letters, and I confronted bad service, and tipped and complimented good service.

But something is broken at Amtrak, (well, a LOT of things are broken)and other companies (Southwest Airlines as an example) have proved that employees, and their attitude, can have a real POSITIVE impact on the way the traveling public perceives that company.

"It takes two to Tango", so if you don't like what some posters, or as you describe "Trolls", post, ignore it.
Everyone comes here with different views. Not everyone who is completely fed up with Amtrak is "sad." Not everyone who focuses on what is broken at Amtrak is a troll. I am a HUGE proponent of both modern passenger rail and old fashioned luxury rail. I've seen how it works in other countries and I was extremely impressed. Amtrak is anything BUT modern or luxurious. It's largely the same as it was when I first started riding in the late 1970's. That's no biggie to some folks, but it's a much larger issue to others. Perhaps you could start an all-positive thread that simply does not allow anything negative to be said about Amtrak. So long as the title is clear I don't see why that wouldn't work. Even though I may disagree with the views of the moderators I think they do a pretty good job of allowing both sides to make their case, as best they can.
Everyone comes here with different views. Not everyone who is completely fed up with Amtrak is "sad." Not everyone who focuses on what is broken at Amtrak is a troll. I am a HUGE proponent of both modern passenger rail and old fashioned luxury rail. I've seen how it works in other countries and I was extremely impressed. Amtrak is anything BUT modern or luxurious. It's largely the same as it was when I first started riding in the late 1970's. That's no biggie to some folks, but it's a much larger issue to others. Perhaps you could start an all-positive thread that simply does not allow anything negative to be said about Amtrak. So long as the title is clear I don't see why that wouldn't work. Even though I may disagree with the views of the moderators I think they do a pretty good job of allowing both sides to make their case, as best they can.

Honorary Board Troll.
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Well you can be an honorary troll if you want but I'd prefer not to be called that. Call me a incurable curmudgeon or a devout cynic if you want; those certainly apply. For what it's worth, I don't always harp on the negative. It's rare for me to wax poetic about how much I love Amtrak, but there are some occasions where I've tried to start more positive-themed discussions. For instance in this post... That specific example didn't happen to go anywhere but there's nothing negative about asking what we can learn from the Heartland Flyer's success. I also really enjoyed checking out the photos from yard and shop tours during previous meet-ups. Highly interesting stuff to a train geek. I may not know much about the technical details of Amtrak hardware but it's cool to see nonetheless. Speaking of which, I was wondering if there are any board-recognized books that would make for a good read about Amtrak's hardware and history?
Soooooo, in your "perfect world of an internet fan board", you would allow no dissent or would flag anyone who disagrees with your thoughts of "how great it is to ride Amtrak"? (I'm generalizing here GML, I have not gone back and read all of your posts)
I don't see where there is anyone saying that.
There's a vast difference between complaining in a reasonable fashion and some of the over the top posted-only-to-stir-sh*t stuff that's been posted of late. You could even say that that difference is as large as the difference between getting poor service on a train and the slaughter of 6 million people if you were so inclined.
Soooooo, in your "perfect world of an internet fan board", you would allow no dissent or would flag anyone who disagrees with your thoughts of "how great it is to ride Amtrak"? (I'm generalizing here GML, I have not gone back and read all of your posts)
I don't see where there is anyone saying that.
There's a vast difference between complaining in a reasonable fashion and some of the over the top posted-only-to-stir-sh*t stuff that's been posted of late. You could even say that that difference is as large as the difference between getting poor service on a train and the slaughter of 6 million people if you were so inclined.
My post is about the lack of balance with the 100% negative comments from certain individuals. Is this repeated negativity justified? Could we not try and encourage new Amtrak users, not just scare them off? I am all for posting about genuine negative experiences, if you read any of my trip reports you will see that I don't feel the sun always shines out of Amtraks tunnels... The point I am trying to make is about striking a fair balance, it is unrealistic to say "Amtrak always provides wonderfull service" just as it is to say "Amtrak always provides terrible service". Members of the public look to this site for help and advice.. Do the negative guys help by pouring scorn on their wish to travel by train?

Ed :cool:
My post is about the lack of balance with the 100% negative comments from certain individuals. Is this repeated negativity justified? Could we not try and encourage new Amtrak users, not just scare them off? I am all for posting about genuine negative experiences, if you read any of my trip reports you will see that I don't feel the sun always shines out of Amtraks tunnels... The point I am trying to make is about striking a fair balance, it is unrealistic to say "Amtrak always provides wonderfull service" just as it is to say "Amtrak always provides terrible service". Members of the public look to this site for help and advice.. Do the negative guys help by pouring scorn on their wish to travel by train?

Ed :cool:

No, that doesn't help at all. For me, if you tell me how stupid I am for doing something, (riding trains in this case) that makes me all the more determined to do so. For others it might discourage them. Let people find out on their own about Amtrak travel.
Soooooo, in your "perfect world of an internet fan board", you would allow no dissent or would flag anyone who disagrees with your thoughts of "how great it is to ride Amtrak"? (I'm generalizing here GML, I have not gone back and read all of your posts)
In my perfect world of an internet fan board, the board members would hail me as an almighty god, and bake me cookies sending them to me via FedEx. But we are harping on my fantasies of world domination.

Being serious, not at all, dude. You are not the board troll, nor would I consider calling you that. You have negative opinions that I disagree with (and so inform you at times) but I don't see you as a troll. Being blunt, I think you whine more than is good for you, but you aren't the type of person I was targeting with my post.

You get cynical with age- because you have experience. Most 15 year olds are not qualified to be cynical. You have clearly ridden Amtrak a great deal, and thus I can see your opinion as... expecting idealism, perhaps, but justified.

But to take a recent guest, that Bordeaux kvetsch, who has ridden precisely one round trip, and uses this to not only fully justify killing Amtrak in its entirety, but to compare it to the slaughter of 14 million innocent people. Puh-lease.

The biggest disservice we can do is to dissuade members and guest from posting their real-life experiences, even if they are just "venting", offer nothing positive, and are wildly off-base.

Don't like it? Don't read it, or scan thru it. I tire of it too.
The biggest disservice we can do is to sit and read the kind of clap-trap nonsense put forth by a crank like Mr. Bordeaux and let it pass as something approaching rationality and reason, so that people read it and decide that riding Amtrak really something bad enough to justify comparing to riding an Auschwitz Express. It isn't. It is not all it can be, certainly, but can you possibly justify the comparison?

However, reading the litany of "less-than-stellar" experiences has really incensed me. It made me realize that I have been an AmPologist for years, and I didn't like that realization.

I called Customer Service, I sent emails, I wrote letters, and I confronted bad service, and tipped and complimented good service.
I have never seen you as one. Its just, one day you seemed to suddenly start believing some of the bughouse nonsense that certain angry and dissatisfied ranters, who, if not trolls, were at the very least somewhat irrational with anger at their (unusual) bad experience.

But something is broken at Amtrak, (well, a LOT of things are broken)and other companies (Southwest Airlines as an example) have proved that employees, and their attitude, can have a real POSITIVE impact on the way the traveling public perceives that company.
It is unreasonable to take the standard of the industry in customer satisfaction, then point at Amtrak and claim that since they don't meet the benchmark, they are broken. Certainly, service at Amtrak can always use improvement. But Amtrak's service is far superior to the fustercluck that is flying with most of our legacy carriers and many of our budget ones.

"It takes two to Tango", so if you don't like what some posters, or as you describe "Trolls", post, ignore it.
In case you haven't noticed, I like fighting.
I'll just keep playing old head...I know a lot of what I write is foreign or unknown to most on here, (Pullman conductors, deadheading on pax trains etc.), but at least it's gospel from true experiences.In the best of financial circles Amtrak would be, at best, a comical nightmare...and we have to weave our way in and out of the pit falls as we travel. Thank goodness for this site as many would not know how to handle certain situations that can arise with Amtrak.
Would you believe that good or bad I come on here, now, to get away from the ordinary. Somewhere else, I told Anthony or Alan that this board was a better support than my church during my husband's deployment, even though my initial posts were met with such skepticism (you guys can be tough).

I can recall from memory some of Green Lion's posts. Hadley, I can picture you as I'm familiar with people from your part of the country. Betty has my email. Caravanman, I recall you're from "over the water". Mr. Haithcoat lives pretty closeby. NativeSon- still working on preserving the Sunset? Caravanman and all, I think I would relish that you're remembered and let pass the negative.

BTW, Anthony, etal. Either my computer adjusted things with a download or you accomplished some new decorating that's really nice. That was what I signed in to say.

BTW, Anthony, etal. Either my computer adjusted things with a download or you accomplished some new decorating that's really nice. That was what I signed in to say.

The forum is using a new software update that makes it look different than it was a short time ago. Its not you or your computer.
Would you believe that good or bad I come on here, now, to get away from the ordinary. Somewhere else, I told Anthony or Alan that this board was a better support than my church during my husband's deployment, even though my initial posts were met with such skepticism (you guys can be tough).

I can recall from memory some of Green Lion's posts. Hadley, I can picture you as I'm familiar with people from your part of the country. Betty has my email. Caravanman, I recall you're from "over the water". Mr. Haithcoat lives pretty closeby. NativeSon- still working on preserving the Sunset? Caravanman and all, I think I would relish that you're remembered and let pass the negative.

BTW, Anthony, etal. Either my computer adjusted things with a download or you accomplished some new decorating that's really nice. That was what I signed in to say.

Dang! The_Traveler wasn't called out in a post! I bet he hasn't stopped weeping yet.

Jody, glad you pop by every now and then. Keep checking up on GML, he can be a real PITA, but we (some of us) love him here...........
Having a memory fog. Is Traveler the UPS driver from Nebraska that married his girlfriend because she liked Amtrak?

Thank you for that reply.
No, that's RailFanLNK. Dave/Traveler lives in RI and has a house in PDX as well and is the master of all things AGR (and snagging referral bonuses).
Ryan, you missed your chance man...... We could of really started something here. :giggle:
Hadley, I can picture you as I'm familiar with people from your part of the country.
Ma'am; I hate to burst your bubble but I'm not the typical red neck from South Louisiana that it seems you are familiar with. Even though I have lived here the last 40 years my first 20 plus were spent up north or on the ranch in Scottsdale, AZ. My grandfather was VP of International Paper Co. and took me every where by train, always in Pullmans or parlor cars,in the '50's and '60's as he did not fly. I was born on Staten Island,NY; went to boarding school in Massachusetts and attended Villanova University. I have a degree in Labor Safety & Health from George Meany's National Labor College located in Silver Spring, MD. I was first hired by the New York Central at Harmon, NY as as a fireman and went into the Coast Guard after I was cut off. Train riding, or running them as an engineer, have filled most of my lifetime as I spent 38 years as an engineer. I've run every train from the circus train to a lowly work train and enjoyed every minute of it.Watching Amtrak wither in its own muck, at times, is almost as tragic as the oil spill we are now enduring.I do highlight bright spots when they appear which,unfortunately,is not often. I try to speak from experience and not the south end of a north bound mule. I'm sorry if I don't fit your bill as an ordinary red neck...
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