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Besides On-Track On-Line, I also frequent Trainorders.com (a paid site: that aspect is not to everyone's liking), and Flyertalk (for both Amtrak and air stuff). I have sworn off railroad.net for the new year. That site is overmoderated to the extreme. Post there for while and you will quickly realize how good AU and OTOL are.
I have sworn off railroad.net for the new year. That site is overmoderated to the extreme. Post there for while and you will quickly realize how good AU and OTOL are.
Glad it wasn't just me. I'm so sick and tired of reading MODERATOR'S NOTE after every third post.

One thing they don't seem to get over there is that conversation by nature tends to be tangential while still staying on the same general topic. Yet, if you stray anywhere off the specific narrow nature of the original post, you'll get the bold statement above in a matter of hours.

I may post about once a month over there, simply because I've tired of the borderline arrogance of the Amtrak Moderators there.
I have sworn off railroad.net for the new year. That site is overmoderated to the extreme. Post there for while and you will quickly realize how good AU and OTOL are.
Glad it wasn't just me. I'm so sick and tired of reading MODERATOR'S NOTE after every third post.

One thing they don't seem to get over there is that conversation by nature tends to be tangential while still staying on the same general topic. Yet, if you stray anywhere off the specific narrow nature of the original post, you'll get the bold statement above in a matter of hours.

I may post about once a month over there, simply because I've tired of the borderline arrogance of the Amtrak Moderators there.
Couldn't agree more. Have looked at that forum and some of the moderators just seem to be totally in love with their powers.

Conversation, which is what a forum is, drifts on and off the original topic just as if you were sat in a bar having a chat with friends. Imagine how annoying it would be to have one of your circle of friends shouting out "moderators note" every time the conversation drifted slightly off topic...
Another rr.net expatriate here!

I still visit the MARC and WMATA forums there, as they're fairly even handedly moderated, but the moderation of the Amtrak forum leaves very much to be desired. Precisely the opposite from the crack moderating team here - a perfect balance is durn near difficult to achieve and these guys have done it.
I have sworn off railroad.net for the new year. That site is overmoderated to the extreme. Post there for while and you will quickly realize how good AU and OTOL are.
Glad it wasn't just me. I'm so sick and tired of reading MODERATOR'S NOTE after every third post.

One thing they don't seem to get over there is that conversation by nature tends to be tangential while still staying on the same general topic. Yet, if you stray anywhere off the specific narrow nature of the original post, you'll get the bold statement above in a matter of hours.

I may post about once a month over there, simply because I've tired of the borderline arrogance of the Amtrak Moderators there.
Couldn't agree more. Have looked at that forum and some of the moderators just seem to be totally in love with their powers.

Conversation, which is what a forum is, drifts on and off the original topic just as if you were sat in a bar having a chat with friends. Imagine how annoying it would be to have one of your circle of friends shouting out "moderators note" every time the conversation drifted slightly off topic...
Thank you for that...it's been longer than I can remember since I laughed so hard my coworkers peered over their cubicle walls. :)
Another rr.net expatriate here!
I still visit the MARC and WMATA forums there, as they're fairly even handedly moderated, but the moderation of the Amtrak forum leaves very much to be desired. Precisely the opposite from the crack moderating team here - a perfect balance is durn near difficult to achieve and these guys have done it.
If I do bad moderating here AlanB makes me stand in the corner. :lol: :lol:
Another rr.net expatriate here!
I still visit the MARC and WMATA forums there, as they're fairly even handedly moderated, but the moderation of the Amtrak forum leaves very much to be desired. Precisely the opposite from the crack moderating team here - a perfect balance is durn near difficult to achieve and these guys have done it.
If I do bad moderating here AlanB makes me stand in the corner. :lol: :lol:

And that probably happens quite often!!!!! :lol: :p :lol: :p
Another rr.net expatriate here!
I still visit the MARC and WMATA forums there, as they're fairly even handedly moderated, but the moderation of the Amtrak forum leaves very much to be desired. Precisely the opposite from the crack moderating team here - a perfect balance is durn near difficult to achieve and these guys have done it.
If I do bad moderating here AlanB makes me stand in the corner. :lol: :lol:

And that probably happens quite often!!!!! :lol: :p :lol: :p
And for me he takes away my beach time :lol: :lol: :p :lol: :p

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Please stick to the topic at hand addressed in the original thread which was about other message boards or I will lock it so help me....

Oh, wait, for one I'm not a Moderator and for two this isn't that other site. Never mind - carry on!

Neil, I think you might have the "post of the week" there! That was funny.

Though I'll admit an occasional thread on here can go totally astray at times, I love it here compared to the Gendarmes of that site.
Do they still have that stupid ban on saying the price of any train that has not already departed?

I haven't been to rr.net in several years. I don't even stop by for curiosity purposes anymore. "Lest we note,' the 'moderator" of that forum got on my nerves, too.
Do they still have that stupid ban on saying the price of any train that has not already departed?
What is that all about then? Stop people bragging that they got a bedroom for only a few dollars above coach fare? Very strange.....

Moderating a board must be hard but there is a balance to strike. Its not natural to converse about just one thing and only that thing. Conversation develops and flows from the original subject matter. I fail to see why that is such a bad thing. You do worry about the mindset of a person that tries to keep conversations in such a rigid set format. 'Uptight' is just one word that springs to mind.

Just let things flow and only step in when it gets out of hand or abusive.
Do they still have that stupid ban on saying the price of any train that has not already departed?
What is that all about then? Stop people bragging that they got a bedroom for only a few dollars above coach fare? Very strange.....
As I understand it, because of the way that the bucket system works, if I booked a trip for 6 months out, and got a cheap fare, and someone booked later and that "published" fare wasn't available, that would cause hate and discontent. Perhaps because the powers that be think that "mere mortals" can't comprehend that prices change, and don't want to deal with the complaining that goes along with "You said the fare was "X" and I had to pay "X+Y!!!". Also, Mr. Madison, the moderator you refer to (I think) should now be known as "former moderator" as he has "passed the torch" to others.
'Uptight' is just one word that springs to mind. Just let things flow and only step in when it gets out of hand or abusive.
Uptight is never a word that springs to mind regarding our administrators and moderators. Especially as something of a loose cannon, I greatly appreciate their liberal policies, and I know that if I go too far over the line (I tend to push it sometimes) they'll let me know personally. Again appreciated.
In past lives (when I had more time), here are a couple of railroad boards I actively participated in:

http://www.railroadforums.com/forum/ (mentioned by MrFSS and one of my favorites--relatively heavily trafficked)

http://www.socalrailfan.com/forums/index.php (obviously focused on Southern California, but a great site for that area)

I skimmed through railroad.net occasionally, but I only posted there a few times. I also joined up a few Yahoo! groups for rail-related subjects, mostly along the California rail corridor.

I've joined OTOL, but in my experience, it seems that all the posts are just news announcements from a select few people like KevinKorell and Sloan and CNJRoss--there's no real discussion to speak of, so I found it hard to "participate" in OTOL--it seemed to be more of a place you'd go to look at (and maybe occasionally post) important news and announcements. Just my experience--maybe I was just looking in the wrong places, though.

Seems like I used to participate in at least one or two more, but maybe my memory is just defunct. I'll keep searching and post if I find some.

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