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Oh would you look at that? I was right. So much for doubting me.
No need for that comment.
The thing is whenever I post information like that now I am very meticulous and deliberate to ensure it is correct. If there is even the slightest possibility it could be incorrect I do not post it or post a disclaimer like I did.
Actually, there was a chance that it would not have been correct. There was only authorization to hold the connection for a predetermined amount of time. If 6 would have lost a bit more time, the connection would have been released....but I'm sure your little sources didn't tell you that, because they probably didn't know it.

Things change. Did you notice how someone like me said very little during this entire trip? Do you know how long this has been in the works? Do you know how many itineraries were published? That's because I know that things can change and I don't say much until it happens or when someone brings something I use words like "currently," "so far," or "as long as nothing change/and or goes according to plan."

Don't be too proud of yourself, Tyler. Even a broken wind up clock is correct twice a day.
How cute, you can insult someone.
Oh would you look at that? I was right. So much for doubting me.
No need for that comment.
The thing is whenever I post information like that now I am very meticulous and deliberate to ensure it is correct. If there is even the slightest possibility it could be incorrect I do not post it or post a disclaimer like I did.
Actually, there was a chance that it would not have been correct. There was only authorization to hold the connection for a predetermined amount of time. If 6 would have lost a bit more time, the connection would have been released....but I'm sure your little sources didn't tell you that, because they probably didn't know it.

Things change. Did you notice how someone like me said very little during this entire trip? Do you know how long this has been in the works? Do you know how many itineraries were published? That's because I know that things can change and I don't say much until it happens or when someone brings something I use words like "currently," "so far," or "as long as nothing change/and or goes according to plan."

Don't be too proud of yourself, Tyler. Even a broken wind up clock is correct twice a day.
How cute, you can insult someone.
There is nothing there that is insulting. Reads much more like a reality check. Back on topic, 669 is out testing and 670 has reached the east coast.
Oh would you look at that? I was right. So much for doubting me.
No need for that comment.
The thing is whenever I post information like that now I am very meticulous and deliberate to ensure it is correct. If there is even the slightest possibility it could be incorrect I do not post it or post a disclaimer like I did.
Actually, there was a chance that it would not have been correct. There was only authorization to hold the connection for a predetermined amount of time. If 6 would have lost a bit more time, the connection would have been released....but I'm sure your little sources didn't tell you that, because they probably didn't know it.

Things change. Did you notice how someone like me said very little during this entire trip? Do you know how long this has been in the works? Do you know how many itineraries were published? That's because I know that things can change and I don't say much until it happens or when someone brings something I use words like "currently," "so far," or "as long as nothing change/and or goes according to plan."

Don't be too proud of yourself, Tyler. Even a broken wind up clock is correct twice a day.
How cute, you can insult someone.
Tyler, you need to get a grip on things. ThirdRail is the most reliable source here. He or she never insulted you. Just gave you 110% facts that you or your "sources" don't know that he or she does. Tyler you wonder why people have been harsh to you. It's because you think that you know everything. And trust me. Being a know it all on the railroad gets people killed. Cause I remember you saying you'd like to work for the railroad.
670 scheduled to make her return test run from BOS to WAS later today. I'm hearing that there are special things planned for that unit, so she won't see revenue service for a little while longer.
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670 scheduled to make her return test run from BOS to WAS later today. I'm hearing that there are special things planned for that unit, so she won't see revenue service for a little while longer.
Such as? :eek:
It would certainly be appropriate to have a ceremony in Washington's Union Station with photo ops for Joe Boardman and team, and if possible, some friendly CongressCritters.

The apparent success of the ACS-64 order helps to make the case for ordering MORE new equipment, and it should enjoy all the publicity that Amtrak can get for it.
The 670 has been accepted for revenue service. There may be one more special movement before the SEPTA units are ready but as of now, this is it.
On a more serious note.. I'd like to thank the many members that have contributed to this topic!! The topic has achieved 100 Pages and almost 2,000 replies!! When I started this topic over 3 years ago I never thought it would have achieved such success! I hope that the charger thread has similar success!

Amtrak posted a news release on #670 entering revenue service this week with comments on reductions in delay incidents, completing the delivery of the ACS-64s to Amtrak: FINAL ACS-64 LOCOMOTIVE ENTERS REVENUE SERVICE.

WASHINGTON – Amtrak Cities Sprinter (ACS-64) locomotive #670 entered revenue service this week, marking delivery of the 70th ACS-64 locomotive to serve passengers along the highly-traveled Northeast Corridor and Keystone corridors for years to come. The Siemens-built equipment provides more reliable and efficient service for passengers.


The advanced technology vehicles are designed for improved reliability and easier maintenance leading to faster turn-around times and increased availability of service. In fact, the equipment has already provided enhanced transportation benefits for passengers by improving on-time performance– reducing delay incidents by nearly 25 percent and reducing delay times by 30 percent. In addition, the locomotives meet the latest federal rail safety regulations, including crash energy management components, and come equipped with safety technology such as positive train control and inward-facing cameras.
One would hope that as they tweak the software and maintenance procedures for the ACS-64s, the frequency of delay incidents due to engine problems continue to fall.
Shame they never had the fleet of 70 in place, with two wrecked before the order was even completed! 627 I assume is repairable. 601 I'm guessing not, unless they plan to ship the frame back to Siemens for a total rebuild.
So who has or has NOT confirmed 601 is NOT repairable?? This is insane! Last I knew and still know it's held by the legal department. I think that is some serious common sense. So unless someone with inside info has stated 601 is a write off stop the nonsense.
So who has or has NOT confirmed 601 is NOT repairable?? This is insane! Last I knew and still know it's held by the legal department. I think that is some serious common sense. So unless someone with inside info has stated 601 is a write off stop the nonsense.
Dude, they specifically said "my guess is..."
The seventieth unit has been equipped for ECP testing along with a full Keystone set.

Regardless of what the internet mythbusters say real ones conclude that the fleet returning to a full seventy is PLAU$IBLE.
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