Amtrak P42DC.

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A hospital train is what railfans and employees use to refer to a train of deadhead cars that were involved in a derailment. They are not regularly scheduled, and have not set schedule. Usually someone can get wind of when a hospital train will occur shortly after a derailment. Often times a train has at least two hospital trains. The first is the movement of the cars from the accident site to the nearest Amtrak maintenece facility. Once exterior repairs are made to get the cars in good running condition the cars are then transfered to a heavy repair facility like Bear, DE or Beech Grove, IN
Hello I want to see the Photos of the Three Rivers change the Power at 30th Street Station Philadelphia PA please. :D
That may be hard to find, as the power change takes place underneath the station. So lighting is very poor and it is hard for people to take pictures there. :(

It may be possible that there are a few pictures out there, but I would not be surprised if no one has pictures of the power change.
It's hard for another reason. Some of the guys in mechanical don't like people near the area where they are working, making it that much harder. It's hard for another reason, the Three Rivers runs backwards from NYP-PHL, so it is not like you are changing engines on the head end, you are just changing head ends.
I've got an engine change (sort of) in Philly only it involves the Silver Star:

That sounds about right, but I don't think quite so many are scrapped, maybe only the one from the 9/11 accident in 2001 (numer 163 I believe, it might of had a trailing unit that bit the dust also).
50 - Hit logging truck and derailed; stored damaged at Beech Grove

55 - Fireman's side bashed from window to frame; Beech Grove

131 - wrecked, a ditch in Missouri; at Beech Grove awaiting Disposition/Repair

143 - wrecked, Wendover, Utah; SCRAPPED

149 - wrecked, Wendover, Utah; SCRAPPED

151 - wrecked, Hallsville, Texas; at Beech Grove awaiting Disposition/Repair

163 - wrecked, Hallsville, Texas; at Beech Grove awaiting Disposition/Repair

199 - wrecked, Hineston, Georgia; at Beech grove w/frame damage

203 - fire damage, out of servie; Alabany, NY
Amtrak Railfan said:
Hello there at this time how many P32-8s are now on MOW Service? :)
I can't answer that question for you.

However I can tell you based upon a conversation I had yesterday with another railfan in Chicago, that a few P32-8's have been seen in use in the Chicago area, including on the Hiawatha Corridor and Michigan service.
They were painted into Phase IV in 1999-2000. Before that they had a unique Phase III paint job that earned them the nickname "Pepsi Cans" Many people thought this was an excellent paintjob, I am one of them, but people dont care for them too much in their latest Phase IV paint. They look pretty bland in this scheme I think.
I cant even picture what a P32-8 would look like in Phase V. Would it have waves like the P42 scheme does or would it be like almost totally silver (as it is now) with the new Amtrak logo on it like an AEM-7? Who knows
I'm guessing it the roof would be a dark teal, then the dark grey underside and trucks with the red safety stripe. The body would be sivler with the wave logo on the side and on the front of the cab.
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