Pet Hamster?

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I for one would like to see a picture of the little guy! (hamster, that is)

When I was a kid, we used to have a hamster named Charlie. Whenever I go to Home Depot and smell wood shavings, I think of him.
Well since this is the time for honesty,,, when i was in 6th grade my dad and i built a maze for a Science Fair Project. I got two hamsters and trained one with food, one with water, to see which one learned the max more quickly. Unfortunately the maze was too complicated ,,, hence no valid results,,, and to be honest,,, I can't remember what happened to the hamsters, uniquely named Hammy and Sammy,,,, ah for the love of science
I've had enough of these $@#&*! hamsters on this *&^#! $@ board! ;-)

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Who would have though discussions on a hamster would have generated 8 pages of comments?!
Who would have though discussions on a hamster would have generated 8 pages of comments?!
Hey, it's winter, the cabin-fever has set in :)
I've been thinking the same thing the way some threads have been lately. :)
Had the next-door neighbor in Alaska suffering from cabin-fever so bad that one early-March afternoon (making his motivation sound scientific): "conducted an experiment to determine" just how long a chainsaw would idle on a tank of gas - so he started it - mind you, this was in the TV room - and left it running on the table in front of the sofa... ended up in the hospital with CO poisoning... luckily his wife was able to put out the fire that it had started when it fell over and he had already passed out... [after the event heard of all types of other indoor chainsaw tales: eg, is it possible to saw a sofa in half without getting the chain entangled in the springs?? ... obviously the type of question that only a "clever" (and hopelessly bored) mind could some up with; or: if one starts a saw up, wires the throttle wide open, and sets it down, will it spin left or right?... ignoring that facts that a) it's difficult to catch such a saw on the lose; and b) if it's a long-bar saw and it falls over it will fly around the room cutting/shredding just about everything/anything it encounters....] etc etc etc ]

Bottom line: a hamster thread or three by comparison has to be regarded as a benign/harmless cabin-fever manifestation and possible salve (besides being entertaining, both in and of itself and people's responses to it). :) x10
Had the next-door neighbor in Alaska suffering from cabin-fever so bad that one early-March afternoon (making his motivation sound scientific): "conducted an experiment to determine" just how long a chainsaw would idle on a tank of gas - so he started it - mind you, this was in the TV room - and left it running on the table in front of the sofa... ended up in the hospital with CO poisoning... luckily his wife was able to put out the fire that it had started when it fell over and he had already passed out...
Sounds like your next door neighbor tried to commit suicide.
Had the next-door neighbor in Alaska suffering from cabin-fever so bad that one early-March afternoon (making his motivation sound scientific): "conducted an experiment to determine" just how long a chainsaw would idle on a tank of gas - so he started it - mind you, this was in the TV room - and left it running on the table in front of the sofa... ended up in the hospital with CO poisoning... luckily his wife was able to put out the fire that it had started when it fell over and he had already passed out...
Sounds like your next door neighbor tried to commit suicide.
... like about half of the Alaskan population come February or March... prisoners in solitary confinement go crazy; not going outside for months has the same effect... one sees this all over Alaska, the Yukon, The NWT etc ... better to put one's mushing suit on and at least get outside, even if it's -40F in "the sun" ...
... like about half of the Alaskan population come February or March... prisoners in solitary confinement go crazy; not going outside for months has the same effect... one sees this all over Alaska, the Yukon, The NWT etc ... better to put one's mushing suit on and at least get outside, even if it's -40F in "the sun" ...
It sounds like those Alaskans and others could use a companion or three during those cold winter months. I've heard that therapy hamsters can be very beneficial.
Wasn't the OP's hamster a service hamster? ... the short photoperiod and the cooped up'ness seems to affect many: further north, a greater proportion. I know in my native rural NH by mid-March there were those that were getting to be two or three sandwiches short of a picnic; outside of Fairbanks I'd say that at least a third of the population was several sandwiches short. ... have a software customer in Finland that had his car shot by a neighbor that by the end of March had had it and decided to do some target practice with a 8.3x74 (we call them 338 win mag) in his living room - 225gr of lead when out his wall, though the house next door, through a garage wall, through a fender and lodged itself inside a cat converter attached to the exhaust manifold on his Z3. If you want to see how "silly" it gets, start reading in another month or so. ... maybe there's a need for a million or so service hamsters, maybe more? Likewise maybe they should come with their Kevlar chaps ;-) ;-(
I don't think the hamster was a service animal. The student got the hamster, as suggested by someone, to help relieve the stress of college. The hamster is no different then any pet. My three cats and a dog relieve my stress but they are not service animals.
"breaking laws"

Which legislative body passed the law that says pets are not allowed on Amtrak? I think you are confusing rules and policies with actual laws.

What the OP is proposing is not a capitol offense.That said, I think it's inappropriate for anyone to actually encourage rule-breaking on Amtrak.

But let's not get too carried away here.
Don't worry about it. The poster called "Texas Eagle" seems to have some personal crusade over this. Some years ago somebody asked a similar question and Texas Eagle threatened to track down their IP number. So please just forgive and forget. The question was perfectly legitimate in my view, and this level of snarkiness is not justified.

On the other hand, "Texas Eagle" apears to be a perfectly acceptable person from his contributions on other topics. I wouldn't hold it against him.
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"breaking laws"

Which legislative body passed the law that says pets are not allowed on Amtrak? I think you are confusing rules and policies with actual laws.

What the OP is proposing is not a capitol offense.That said, I think it's inappropriate for anyone to actually encourage rule-breaking on Amtrak.

But let's not get too carried away here.
Don't worry about it. The poster called "Texas Eagle" seems to have some personal crusade over this. Some years ago somebody asked a similar question and Texas Eagle threatened to track down their IP number. So please just forgive and forget. The question was perfectly legitimate in my view, and this level of snarkiness is not justified.

On the other hand, "Texas Eagle" apears to be a perfectly acceptable person from his contributions on other topics. I wouldn't hold it against him.
Perhaps he just needs a hamster to relieve his stress, and possibly develop a new appreciation of said critters?
"breaking laws"

Which legislative body passed the law that says pets are not allowed on Amtrak? I think you are confusing rules and policies with actual laws.

What the OP is proposing is not a capitol offense.That said, I think it's inappropriate for anyone to actually encourage rule-breaking on Amtrak.

But let's not get too carried away here.
Don't worry about it. The poster called "Texas Eagle" seems to have some personal crusade over this. Some years ago somebody asked a similar question and Texas Eagle threatened to track down their IP number. So please just forgive and forget. The question was perfectly legitimate in my view, and this level of snarkiness is not justified.
On the other hand, "Texas Eagle" apears to be a perfectly acceptable person from his contributions on other topics. I wouldn't hold it against him.
Perhaps he just needs a hamster to relieve his stress, and possibly develop a new appreciation of said critters?
Or perhaps a nice long train ride (rodent-free, of course). Works for me.

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