Points.com Exchange and Trade vs. the No-Sale Policy

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Nov 16, 2010
This is more me trying to wrap my head around an apparently confusing policy, but on the one hand point trading is allowed through Points.com. On the other hand, the T&C contains this bit:

The Program is subject to all applicable laws and regulations and the redemption of Amtrak rewards is void where prohibited by law. The sale or barter of any Program Reward or other reward offered through the Program, other than by Amtrak, is expressly prohibited.
I'm sure there's an explanation, but wouldn't points-swapping through Points.com technically qualify as "sale or barter" "other than by Amtrak" (since Amtrak doesn't run Points.com)?
I think they mean "selling for profit" If I were to tell you I have 50,000 points I'm selling for $500. If you're interested, signup at points.com to make the trade, you paypal me the money, and I'll send them over.
I really don't know the specifics of thru Points.com trading uses, but I would either use the regular trading method thru AGR (with fee), give an award outright, or otherwise use a similar method.
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I really don't know the specifics of thru Points.com trading uses, but I would either use the regular trading method thru AGR (with fee), give an award outright, or otherwise use a similar method.
The stupid thing is, points.com uses a fee as well, which may or may not be higher. I tried getting rid of my Delta SkyMiles in exchange for AGR. They wanted a fee of $40 per 1000 miles! I can just buy a bunch of them for that price straight from Amtrak. 1,500 for $41.25 to be exact, and I'd still get to keep my Delta SkyMiles.
If you're a member of FlyerTalk.com (FT), and meet their requirements of time and posts (90 days as a member of FT and 90 posts there), FT has a forum called "Coupon Connection" where members trade points and miles. As you can tell by the name "FlyerTAlk", most members prefer to fly :eek: instead of taking Amtrak. I think many might be interested in getting rid of their "unusable AGR points" for "usable" Delta Sky Miles!
Actually the prevailing consensus on FT seems to be that Delta "SkyPesos" are unusable as well. Not that that's been my experience, but they are definitely less valuable than say AA or UA miles (or AGR points).
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If you're a member of FlyerTalk.com (FT), and meet their requirements of time and posts (90 days as a member of FT and 90 posts there), FT has a forum called "Coupon Connection" where members trade points and miles. As you can tell by the name "FlyerTAlk", most members prefer to fly :eek: instead of taking Amtrak. I think many might be interested in getting rid of their "unusable AGR points" for "usable" Delta Sky Miles!
This can be a great resource. BTW the requirement is now 180 days as a member and 180 (constructive) posts. FT can be a great travel resource as well. There is an Amtrak Guest Rewards Forum there as well.
The Flyertalk requirement for Coupon Connection access is now 180 days of membership and 180 posts. Plus, before access is granted, the 180 posts are reviewed to ensure that the posts were not simply 180 posts that said "I agree" or "Yeah."
Wow, what an "exclusive" thing to be a part of...
Well, and it's also scam protection, I suspect. I'm not that familiar with FT, but I'm going to guess that there's at least some trust involved in the system there.
Getting back to the original post, Points.com transactions are done with the cooperation of the respective rewards programs, so if AGR is an option it's because they have an agreement with AGR. So the trades are being done by Amtrak, or at least via someone they've authorized.

But as also noted, the exchange rates and/or fees are so bad it's almost never worth it. And that's most likely why the rewards programs allow it -- they get a cut.