Teenager dies playing chicken with Capitol Corridor train.

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Finally their was the dip in the 1970's phony gas crisis.
What was phoney about it?
Credit was given to the 55 mph speed limit, but actually belonged to reduced miles driven.
How did you determine that speed is unrelated to safety?
You were the little kid on the playground always picking fights, weren't you?
George has been harping on this for years now and I'm curious where it's coming from because he never bothers to quote any sources. I guess you were that domineering big sister who went around fighting all your little brother's fights for them?
Yeah, that happens on my iPod :(

I used to try to fix it, but that is a big pain. I have refrained from quoting sometimes because of this.

And, I believe the_traveler has edited some of my posts to fis it also. Thank you Dave.
Actually most of the time I'm the one who fixes them for you, including the aforementioned one, which I fixed automatically before reading this part of the conversation.
And yes Leemell, it is indeed a problem with the forum software and selected devices. One that will be fixed with the next upgrade.
FWIW, I get the same problem occasionally on Windows XP running IE8.
I got it wrong because of lack of information, not intention.
And all I asked is that you not make the same mistake again.

Finally their was the dip in the 1970's phony gas crisis.
What was phoney about it?
Credit was given to the 55 mph speed limit, but actually belonged to reduced miles driven.
How did you determine that speed is unrelated to safety?
Finally their was the dip in the 1970's phony gas crisis.
What was phoney about it?
Credit was given to the 55 mph speed limit, but actually belonged to reduced miles driven.
How did you determine that speed is unrelated to safety?
You were the little kid on the playground always picking fights, weren't you?
George has been harping on this for years now and I'm curious where it's coming from because he never bothers to quote any sources. I guess you were that domineering big sister who went around fighting all your little brother's fights for them?
Would it make any difference to you if I did search out my sources and list them? I am repeating information from dealing with highway and other safety issues in the past and also from being around during the "gas crisis" time and having relatives that worked for various companies in the "oil patch" that knew some of the shenanigans going on. I am not writing a research paper here so I left off the footnotes.
Finally their was the dip in the 1970's phony gas crisis.
What was phoney about it?
Credit was given to the 55 mph speed limit, but actually belonged to reduced miles driven.
How did you determine that speed is unrelated to safety?
You were the little kid on the playground always picking fights, weren't you?
George has been harping on this for years now and I'm curious where it's coming from because he never bothers to quote any sources. I guess you were that domineering big sister who went around fighting all your little brother's fights for them?
Would it make any difference to you if I did search out my sources and list them?
How many times do I have to say it? Yes, George, I want some sources.
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